I don't, but that doesn't mean I'm not interested.

Wait, let me re-write that. Too many negatives.

I don't, but I'm interested in them. (That's better)

So I want to know if you use an e-reader to digest your crime fiction. My main means of doing so is still paper and the local Half Price Books. If you're not like me, which e-reader keeps your room glowing at night?

Please note, this is an anti-iPad thread. Meaning, don't argue the merits of the iPad. That deserves its own thread. Besides, I've already decided it's a clunker. And it's my thread. So there.

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Good chuckle on the "anti-iPad thread."

I don't own an e-reader yet, but will probably spring for Kindle because my books are on Kindle and I take an interest in the whole Kindle promotion of books. Still, I'm not at all sure that it will seriously impact my reading of print books.
I didn't realize your books were on Kindle yet. I'll go get them now, I use the Kindle app on my iPod. I'll use the Kindle app on my iPad when they start selling them in Canada late this month... ooops, sorry, wrong thread ;)
Wow, thanks! Actually, all but RASHOMON GATE and HELL SCREEN, which will be handled directly by my agent -- one of the small pleasures of gaining some rights back.
Here, Benjamin, maybe you'll like the upcoming Google tablet better:
I have yet to hate the Google tablet. So for now it's better than the iPad.

I'm not seeing the benefit to the consumer with this genre of products. If it's a media consuming device, why doesn't it have a file storage system? If it's a media producing device, why does it lack a basic producer tool like a USB port? Of course, I'm only talking about the iPad here.

Oops, broke my own rule. Aww, screw it. I'm changing my disclaimer up top.
Because we're moving away from the concept of "owning" to the concept of "access."

Devices won't need storage systems, only the ability to access media.
So where is that media served? It has to exist somewhere.

I agree with you about "owning" versus "access." That's a good point. But there are basic components that a system needs. The ability to save and recall is one of them.
Have to disagree here, John. The concept of only accessing media/files and not owning them for your own personal use strikes me as being basically against human nature. For all the gizmos we create for our personal use, essentially humans remain the same. We like our own personal spaces where we don't necessarily have to 'share' anything.
People would still own their content, B.R., it's just that the people experiencing that content would be more concerned about consuming the content rather than saving it.

The iPad allows access to owned content, but it doesn't allow its users to become owners.
It may go against human nature, but it's what's going to happen. It's what the internet is. We don't need to download and store YouTube videos, we only need to know the url.

More and more media is moving to subscription everyday. Marvel comics are on a subscription service, you pay one monthly fee and get to access to every comic they've ever published. Now, with tablets like the iPad and the new Google it will expand even further.

Textbooks are going completely subscription within the next couple of years.

Disney have been experimenting wth subscription and the tablets will allow them to put all of their movies, books, comics, music, etc., on the same device.

It's an ideal business model. For the price of three or four movies a month, you get every movie. It's Netflix.

And publishers will be doing it, too. Why buy two nw books in a month when for the same price you could read every book from that publisher?

The tablets are a huge part of it, but we forget the giant change to distribution. Not just how a single item is delivered, but how everything will be delivered.
No arguments there, John, but I'm still not sold on the current tablet medium. People will still need and want traditional computing systems to fulfill tasks tablets don't cover. And the need to fulfill those tasks will never change.

For example, my wedding photos. They're on my laptop hard drive. And my WIPs. Also on my laptop hard drive. Work presentations, spreadsheet budgets and other important documents are all saved on a computer somewhere. I'm confident most people have important things saved on their computers.

Tablets can't do that. They can't save those important things. For them to do that requires them to become (basically) a laptop. So why bother with a tablet? Why not get a laptop?
The tablets aren't tools like laptops or desktop computers. The question should be, why a tablet when I already have a TV? Why a tablet when I already have a home stereo? Why a tablet when I already have books?

And, of course, many people will never get a tablet.


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