OK readers.  Are any of you into golf, and crime solving...with a little steamy sex thrown in just for spice?   Do you know of any books which meet that description?  I know that there are at least four of them.  They're called the Zach Roper Golfing Mysteries and they have just recently been published Amazon Kindle as 99 cent ebooks.  How do I know?   I wrote them and just put them out there myself.  So if you enjoy golf, crime solving, and sex take a look at them starting with "Murder in the Deep Rough".  Kirkus Reviews calls them "a mildly raunchy set of golfing capers"....and if you decide they're wrong you'll only be out 99 cents.  And by the way, if you know of any other golfing detectives in print I'd like to find out about them.  I want to keep tabs on my competition...my sleuthing instincts, you know.  M H Burton.       

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Thanks for the heads-up, James.  As a resident of East Lothian, Scotland, I have played some golf.  Badly.  The Masters is on very soon just a few miles away from me, so I will no doubt be sauntering over there to check it out.

Golf and murder? Sounds intriguing... can't say I've heard of anyone else combining the two. I've just bought your novel on Kindle.  How could I not, when it only costs 99 cents (or 77p here in Scotland)? Will let you know how I get on. 

I don't know about famous detectives, but "Diary of a Small Fish" by Pete Morin has a lot golf in it

I'm down with crime solving and steamy sex, but GOLF???   Yawn ....


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