Hello everyone! My name is Rebecca, but I largely go by Bex. I'm 27, I live in Texas and I've been writing fiction since I was eleven years old. I've written almost every genre. Drama, fantasy, comedy...but this project is my very first mystery. It is freely available as web fiction, and you can check it out if you like through the link on my profile (don't wanna break rules by linking here if it's not kosher!)

I'm looking forward to meeting & learning from other mystery writers! Thanks for having me here! :)

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Hi, Bex and welcome -- MK

Welcome, Bex.
Thank you for the welcomes, MK, I.J. & Dan!
Welcome to crimespace, Bex. Always nice to see some new faces around here.
Welcome Bex. Hope you find a home here.
Thank you for the welcomes!
Great having you with us, Bex. long may you write.
Sam Millar


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