If anyone here has any advice how to send galleys to people who might review or discuss a book on a web site or adopt it for a book club, would you please help me out? My publisher has all the major reviewers and I have a few names myself, but they want to do a generous mailing this time. Perhaps we have some reviewers on this site who wouldn't mind getting an early look at THE CONVICT'S SWORD. This book is my best. And if you're interested, you can contact me through my web site (www.ijparker.com) or direct (ingpark@aol.com)

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Laura, I've already heard back from them. Very nice people and very interested. Thanks again.
Have you tried Armchair Interviews?
Thanks, Happy Ruby. I'm making a note of it.
Hi, I. J.

I spent a bunch of money last year with a publicist who was going to get me reviewed all over the web but at the end of the campaign, something like 60% of the sites that had been listed as "pending" were still pending and there was no follow-up at all. I'm doing it myself for this year's book and have been busy for months compiling names of sites and contacts with individual reviewers. (Even if you don't want to post on DorothyL you can still use it as a resource for review info.) I don't remember whether we've ever exchanged e-mail addresses, but maybe we could touch base. You can contact me at my site, www.timothyhallinan.com


Thanks, Tim. That's very generous. I'm somewhat lucky in that I have a publicist through my publisher. My foray into hiring my own some years back proved quickly that it was expensive and I could do the same thing myself (i.e. prepare a flyer to mail out). So, essentially, I'm leaving the heavy hitters (major newspapers) to the publicist and concentrate on web sites and contacts I've made myself. I have started going through old notes and my scrap books of past reviews. The DorothyL folks do cozies.
A wider net may be useful, readers in Australia are more than happy to review as we don't seem to get the quantity or the variety that US or even UK readers get. I review and discuss on Goodreads, my own personal reading blog http://teddyree-theeclecticreader.blogspot.com & also on Royal Reviews. I find that when I'm participating in reading challenges reviews get noticed & recommendations get accepted and our sites are getting far more hits and followers.
And I personally would love to get an early look at The Convict's Sword
Thanks much, Teddy Ree. I've made a note of it. (My books are available in some parts of Australia. There is an interest in Japan) The mailing is being made by the publisher.


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