If anyone here has any advice how to send galleys to people who might review or discuss a book on a web site or adopt it for a book club, would you please help me out? My publisher has all the major reviewers and I have a few names myself, but they want to do a generous mailing this time. Perhaps we have some reviewers on this site who wouldn't mind getting an early look at THE CONVICT'S SWORD. This book is my best. And if you're interested, you can contact me through my web site (www.ijparker.com) or direct (ingpark@aol.com)

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First you've got to find them. I spent months roaming the web two years ago (and still try to search new stuff a little), finding websites that reviewed mysteries. I sent them an email, asking if they'd be interested in looking at my book/galleys for POSSIBLE review. They were very nice, in almost all cases, even if they refused. I've sent out 60 emails, then 40 books, and gotten 21 reviews.
They refused? Dear me. Thanks. Yes, I'll have to review the web offerings. I have done so once or twice in the past, but things change so quickly. 21 reviews is very good, though. I doubt that the publishers get better odds. In French-speaking countries this sort of thing is much easier. I got over 100 reviews there when my first book was published -- and had to do nothing myself. The French like book review sections, which appear everywhere, as in the front of glossy magazine like PARIS MATCH. A whole different culture.
Yay for the French!

I doubt anyone would refuse you. My publisher caused me some problems. Too small, a contract that got them booted from the MWA approved list, and they generally don't take returns (a gruesome handicap for me). Like all newspapers, the bigger websites won't consider my work.

It's a pain you have to do this yourself. I got it done by sending our two or three emails a day, humble and polite. A lot of the sites seemed to enjoy hearing directly from the author, though. I think I did pretty good. (Best of all, 18 of those reviews really liked the book and my character!).
You did a super job. My compliments. I hate this sort of thing almost as much as begging people to buy my books.
If you're a member of thriller writers (and your book is a thriller), you could apply to the thriller readers club they're doing with DearReader.com, which has a potentially huge audience. What I did that ended up getting my book reviewed in the Boston Globe was follow the reviews they were running by different freelancers, then I contacted the the reviewer who was reviewing books similar to mine. You might try that with a few of the major papers. Good luck!
Thank you, Dave. That's excellent advice. I really should do something about thriller writers. My books qualify, though I don't write pure thriller. Usually the BOSTON GLOBE carries some very professional reviews.
I do book reviews for several websites. I get books from booksnbytes.com, bestsellersworld.com and mysterymorgue.com. I usually try to post my reviews on Goodreads and sometimes Dorothy L. I also do some reviews for Armchair Interviews but that site only posts one review for each book and you aren't supposed to post the reviews elsewhere. Other sites will allow a reviewer to post in several places. I've noticed that a contest on Dorothy L. seems to produce a lot of reviews. Good luck with your new book.
Thank you, Happy Ruby. Dorothy L. and I are not on speaking terms, I'm afraid. My sort of book doesn't appeal there, and I was driven away by the hostility.
I don't post much on Dorothy L. Basically a lurker. What was their problem with your sort of book? I'm curious. I haven't read your books although I feel maybe I should have. Just checked out your page on booksnbytes.com. I participate in RAM and many on that newsgroup will not participate in Dorothy L. I guess some have had a bad experience. It is difficult to have a bad experience when you don't post much I guess.
It's been too long ago to hash out again. The general tone on DorothyL frequently erupts in flaming attacks. This turns the writers posting on the list into fawning toadies to other posters. It's, to say the least, uncomfortable. Add to that the fact that I don't write cozies and don't think much of them and you see that we were hardly a match made in heaven.
clutching at straws, but you don't happen to have been born in Europe do you? If so, you could get reviewed on www.eurocrime.co.uk.
Thanks, Laura. Excellent advice and not clutching at straws at all. I was born in Germany. I went ahead and dropped them a line. You're an angel.


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