Newbie and fledgling writer here. I know, double whammy. You might want to control your laughter on this question. I've been debating, with myself, about my moniker. I'm thinking I should drop my maiden name, May, and drop the Mc in McKane and leave my name short and sweet... Sharon Kane.


What are your thoughts?

Thanks... Sharon

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Thank you for the advice. I checked it out and it is weird. You're right, someone owns the name and I will have to pay dearly for it. I did procure my characters nickname, Gumshoe Goddess, through godaddy several years ago. I wonder if it would be inappropriate to start developing it before I am a published author.

I love your invented AKA and it wasn't obvious to me, until you asked. Once again, thank you for the heads up. would work. It's still available. Or does that sound too close to James M Cain?
Thank you so much for taking the time to check out dot coms. I'll procure it this evening along with a few others. I have to get ready for work (yuck). I'd rather write or research.
Thank you. I'm trying out the fit.
What a sweet idea Dan. :-)
Many writers use a pseudonym for different reasons. You are the only one who can determine (and possibly your publisher or agent) what name to publish your work under. Some writers prefer to use a pseudonym to maintain their privacy, others because they feel their last name is either "clunky" or seems to be in contrast with the genre they choose to write in.....Sharon Kane is a good, solid sounding name and if you feel comfortable using that name as your nom de plume then go for it.The most important thing is to make sure that your chosen name is not that of a published author.
As an example I am a long time fan of James Rollins. In fact, when he was still working as a veterenarian in Sacramento I believe he worked on my dog... another story... At any rate his real name is not James Rollins...Recently I ordered a book on Amazon by James K. Rollins. When I received the book I realized that this James Rollins was not the author I had been expecting. The problem I see here is that an author is using a published authors name to promote his book....Now it is possible that James K Rollins is not a pseudonynm , at any rate you can see where this might lead to confusion and even legal action in the future. ....By the way, the book by James K. Rollins was actually very good......Ed H.
Thank you for the Rollins analogy. I just googled Sharon Kane and as it turns out she is a children's book author, obviously a mistake on my fledgling part. Back to the drawing board. I could have sworn I checked it out. Duh! Sugar Kane and some other names are beginning to look good to me. I have to change my name again on crimespace. Crimespace has already become a valuable tool for me.
Thank you for saving me from a lawsuit!

Ironic side-note: I worked for a veterinarian while I was in college... Sharon
Unreal... a Sharon McCain wrote a quilting book. Looks like I will have to be inventive or do as B.R. Stateham and other crimespace members suggested and use my initials. Back to the drawing board.


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