While we all speculate and theorize over the new paradigms of ebook publishing, nevertheless print seems to be moving right along just as it always has been.  Even more so for those who publish hardbacks.  Which means, of course, publishers of print are probably laughing mockingly in their smoke-filled back rooms over writers who are looking to shake up the industry.



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I agree with Jon and others that MM paperbacks are really the natural thing for ebooks to replace. You buy them to read them, not to HAVE them. I expect hardbacks will always be with us - the collectible, the memento. The hardy library piece.

(Did anybody here notice how vinyl LPs have made a comeback? Now that people don't buy their music in physical form at all, CDs are on the wane, but people like LPs both for the mellower sound, and for the collectible qualities. I mean, it just wasn't the same sitting and looking over your tiny CD case while listening to music the way it was looking over a nice big LP cover.)
I agree with Jon. Goodness did I just say that? LOL!

Seriously I think everything's just gonna come down to people's tastes. I am seeing more folks now who are reading in both formats. It was just print readers reading only print and ebook readers reading only ebooks it seemed for a while. Now I see a lot of readers buying in both methods instead of the "one or the other" approach. I think more faithful print lovers are reading more ebooks but still holding onto their love for print and hardcovers when it comes to certain books.

Best Wishes!

Let's take this all with a boulder of salt. PW is the butt boy of Big Six, and is hardly an objective and dispassionate observer of the e-book vs. print debate. It went out of its way to smear Joe Konrath after he signed with AmazonEncore and started self-e-pubbing his novels, and Kornrath exposed that article to be a shredded tissue of half-truths, fudged numbers and outright lies.
You surprise me. But how like Joe Konrath to fight. Amazing man.


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