It's a bit unconventional (it's a heist story injected with just a touch of sci fi), but has anyone here been reading The Last Days of American Crime?<I kept up with this series during its first printing and was really impressed, so naturally, I'm happy to hear that the publisher, Radical, is putting out a trade paperback of it now. (See here: haven't bought it yet, but probably will next time I'm at my LCS; I think the format will really benefit the series. Plus, I just really liked it. Has anyone else been reading LDoAC, and if so, what'd you think? How do you feel about a TPB?Any thoughts?
Man, this series sounds awesome. Definitely going to check it out.
The last crime comic series I got turned onto in trade paper was SCALPED. Organized-crime, undercover-agent thriller on a Native American reservation. Awesome stuff. You read?