My publisher gave me a challenge...and it sure was a daunting task!  Having transcribed to computer, searched and successfully published two of my deceased mother-in law’s books and several short stories.  My publisher suggested I write a history about the settings or reasons mum wrote the books.  Well, short of seeking a clairvoyant and asking mum these questions, I racked my brains on a way around this task.  Thank goodness there is Wikipedia.  Knowing mum probably had written the books in her last and longest place of residence, I put in a search.  Wow, did I find a whole lot of history!  And it is amazing how much ties into the stories.  I wonder if mum knew the history, as there was no Wikipedia or computers at the time she was writing.  So here is what I found.

History of  a Mystery

The books ‘Ladies of Class’ and ‘The Poison Pen’ written by Marjorie Owen are set in the town of ‘Burshill, Sussex’.  Marjorie lived in Burgess Hill, Sussex for many years and we believe she used the location for the settings of both books.  In ‘Ladies of Class’, Marjorie’s first murder mystery novel, the initial murder happened on St.John’s Common or Park, located off Lower Church Road.  Marjorie lived in a flat on Lower Church Road over looking St. John’s Common.  We can only surmise that her inspiration for writing ‘Ladies of Class’ came from her location and view of the Common. 

Please read more here: The Story behind the Story

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Thank you I.J. I found it fascinating to be able to make the connections. I know that many of the authors I have reviewed and interviewed have a history behind their writing. But my Mother-in-law's life has been a mystery that we have attempted to put together from bits and pieces!

Best wishes for the project!

Many thanks I.J.  Its fun!

Interesting that you found some of her inspiration. I often wonder what family will find in my book files when I'm gone. I also wonder what the story is behind your profile picture, Dee.

Given the fact that nobody in my family reads my books, though they like to tell people I'm a writer, I doubt anybody will open the files. Or read the books.

I'm used to it. I painted in my younger years. Once I spent an entire year making a copy of a Brueghel painting. My husband stored it in a hot attic. When I rescued it, the canvas had warped. It's a very good copy, but I guess he didn't care for Brueghel. We learn not to expect anything. Better that way.

I think you are right I.J. In your attitude, not to expect anything. In my experience, I am then happily surprised when something unexpected happens!
Sorry that your painting was damaged in such a way.

Thanks.  The picture lives, frameless, in my kitchen. Very appropriate because it's the "Country Wedding", and people are sitting at a long table stuffing themselves.  :)

Glad you have it in a good place to enjoy!
I think you may leave some interesting bits and pieces and writings your family will be thrilled to read Jeanie.
My profile picture comes from my love of cats, love of friendships, love of life!


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