Hey Fellow Crime-Junkies,


I started doing book reviews with a focus on crime/thrillers for a local paper. My column is called 'Just For The Thrill'. It's actually 5 publications here in Mississauga on the west side of Toronto. I'm also posting the reviews on my blog: http://juliamadeleineauthor.blogspot.com/ as well as Amazon and Goodreads. So if anyone is interested in having me review their ARCs or current books shoot me an email and tell me about it: madam_malefic@yahoo.ca


Happy writing!


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Yes!!!! I have emailed you about this.
My current novel is a pricey hardcover and I got only a handful of author's copies.  However, my publisher will make electronic copy available to reviewers. 
Do you review ebooks?
I have yet to get an e-reader so at the moment I'm just doing book format.

Thanks for the offer, Julia. My first novel, Deal with the Devil, will be released as a paperback later this year. I'll be certain to send you a copy.

J. Gunnar Grey

Oh man, Julia! I was gonna contact you too but see you don't do PDF's. My book is in print and ebook but I only send out PDFs for reviews and promotion now because it's just too expensive and a hassle to send out print books these days. Also, being with a small publisher now I don't have print copies to send out. I only get a handful of print author copies for me to keep.

I hope you do reconsider PDF's one day and let us know! Would love to reach out to you in the future if you do.


Best Wishes!



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