We've been stagnating a bit here, so I was very happy to meet at least two guys who like to discuss.  Sometimes it seems most of our traffic relates to people wanting to sell their books.


As for non-writers here:  We have a nice section where we/they report on recent reading and sometimes discuss/recommend books we found interesting.  Besides, of course, they should certainly post on anything relating to mysteries that strikes their fancy.


So, welcome and let's hear more from you.

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Ditto.  I agree with IJ.

Just called me The Stagnator. My super power is drifting away from CrimeSpace for weeks at a time.

Hear, hear, Ingrid. I stop by almost every day at least once, and find more space taken up by promotion (blatant or veiled) all the time. I'm not saying I never promote either of my books, or that I won't again, but it's also nicer to have the stimulating, stimulating, and occasionally rowdy discourses that hooked me into this site a few years ago.

Of course, nothign says I can;t start one of those myself. Maybe i should look in the mirror first.

Anyway, as IJ has said, welcome to all new members. Shake us all up a little.

Yes, I love the discussions, too.

I just joined today. This looked like the perfect place to make my first post. Don't have anything published to promote, so I hope I can be of some use in writing discussion. Hope to learn a lot here! :D

Welcome, and feel free to post a topic or questions.

Will do. Always bad at starting topics but I'm good at replying to them. :) Already did to one.


Hi from a noir writer in Bangkok, Thailand.

Just joined and having a look around. Looks great.

Hope to start posting proper soon.







Hallinan is a member, though he doesn't post often.  Too busy, I guess.  Welcome!  What's so attractive about writing in Thailand?  There are a couple of other guys also.


Hi I,J,


Well, I guess the fact that it's so cheap to live here in Thailand is one big attraction for writers. We can pick up teaching gigs to pay the bills. The weather is nice. A crime writer needs to be out and about a lot. Hell. There's a vibe in Bangkok. A 24 hour city. A modern city.  Sky-scrapers sprouting up like birds of doom. Desperate people. Bright  lights. Neon lights. The easy dollar. Bangkok is noir to the bone. I love to live and work here.   

Oh, good for you.  Do you writers stay in touch?


Yes, much more so than other regions I guess. Tim I haven't met as he is rarely in town, although he is considered amongst his peers (and myself) to he one of the best writers writing about the region. Christopher G. Moore, Stephen Leather, John Burdett, Dean Barrett are all close. Also there is a new crop of writers that are riding the ebook wave with Bangkok Book House and the kindle direct thing. I have just heard that there is another crime/noir ebook publisher about to start operations. Then there is the Bangkok Noir art scene led by Chris Cole's expressionist nightlife paintings. So all pretty exciting. Lots of openings here at the moment. Bangkok seems quite hot. The KDP book Bangkok Burn is doing quite well, but I don't know the author personally. There is a movement of sorts here.     


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