Candy Calvert

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
A native of Northern California and former ER nurse, I'm now a "Texan in training"--awed by initiation processes that include chili cook-offs, a first brush with fireflies . . . and an armadillo in my pool. My first funny & romantic cruise mystery, DRESSED to KEEL, was released by Midnight Ink in May 2006. Sequels AYE DO or DIE and MAI TAI to MURDER set sail this year. Grueling cruise "research" forces me to dress in sequins, sip Mojitos and "Chicken Dance" in shipboard discos around the globe. Rugged work, but I am dedicated.
Books And Authors I Like:
Some favorite authors: Jennifer Crusie, Janet Evanovich, Anne Rivers Siddons
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Movies: romantic comedy
TV: CSI (s), My Name is Earl, House, Grey's Anatomy, Closer, NCIS, Without a Trace

Comment Wall:

  • Laura Benedict

    How darling is your profile pic?! Is it on your books? I do pity you in your grueling research. You're a brave, brave woman. Thanks for adding me! Blessings--Laura
  • Candy Calvert

    Thank you, Laura--it was actually for a nurse recruiting campaign ( People and Passion) that I did for my hospital system, back when I was pre-pubbed. But I chose "props" for the book I was writing at the time . . . which turned out to be my debut cruise mystery, Dressed to Keel!
    Thank YOU for "coming onboard"!
    Blessings to you as well--Candy
  • Michael Carr

    Yes, it's a cute picture. The books sound interesting.