reader ree

Profile Information:

About Me:
Always have loved to read. I read mysteries, suspense, intrigue, sciFi (positive for humankind ones), and fantasy.
Books And Authors I Like:
Leann Sweeney
James Patterson
Nancy Martin
Anne George
Joan Hess
Barbara Taylor McCafferty
Beverly Taylor Herald
Charlaine Harris
JoAnna Carl
Joanne Fluke
Denise Swanson
Madelyn Alt
Cleo Coyle
John Dunning
to name a few...
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
The Dresden Files
Blood Ties
Harry Potter
J.R.R. Tolkein movie series
Pirates of the Caribbean

Comment Wall:

  • L. A. Starks

    Welcome to CrimeSpace. You're in a great community for readers.
  • Norm Cowie

    Thanks for accepting so quickly. I share some of your favorites.

    See you around, a-square and a-triangle
  • Leann Sweeney

    Thank you r e. So glad to see you here! And thanks about the blog. Todays? The rant? I'm embarrassed to rant but I had to release negative energy from my tortured mind. :-)
  • Robin Burcell

    Thanks for the invite! I was noticing your faves on the TV/ movies. Everyone listed except Blood Ties are some of mine, too. So now I have to go check out Blood Ties. Clearly if we like the same things, it's one I need to look into!
  • Craig Clarke

    Thanks for the invite. House is one of my favorites, as well.
  • Kim Smith

    Hi! thanks for the invite. I am reading my first Charlaine Harris book. It is the first in the Dead series.
  • Karyn J. Powers

    Thanks for the invitation
  • Jeff Markowitz

    Thanks for the invite.