Steve Steinbock

Profile Information:

Portland, Maine (by way of Seattle)
About Me:
My home is lopsided because of all the books I shelve in the attic. I read, review, interview, listen, watch, and attend mysteries. Hope to see you at the next conference.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer, Critic
Books And Authors I Like:
Fredric Brown, Lawrence Block, Ed McBain, Roger L. Simon, R. Austin Freeman, Kinky Friedman, Raymond Chandler, Mark Twain
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Heroes, Numb3rs, Reaper, Weeds, The Simpsons, Gilligan's Island

Comment Wall:

  • Toby D Gottfried

    Dear Steve:
    What a pleasant surprise hearing from you! We looked for you in Anchorage. Will you be in Denver (LCC 2008) or Bouchercon in Baltimore?The conflict with Yom Kippur will be keeping many of us away from or late to Baltimore. We will be at Malice Domestic in April, 2008.
    Think about Hawaii for a family outing March 7-12, 2009.
    Our son Louis, Lisa and their 2 boys and 1 girl will be there with us. Good Shabos to you and yours may your day be blessed with peace.
    Toby and Bill
  • Steve Steinbock

    I love the idea of making LCC Hawaii a family trip! I plan to see you at the 08 Malice and LCC. I haven' t figured out about Bouchercon yet. There are other events I want to try out. NoirCon in Philadelphia sounds like fun. I'm looking for an excuse to go to southern California. Haven't been to LA for 20 years.
  • ed goldberg

    Thanks for the friend request. You are well, I hope?
  • Jonathan Santlofer

    This must be THE Steve Steinbock, yes? How are you?
  • terri vineyard

    Oh Masterful Weaver of Tales-
    Do you miss me? I miss you...find me!!!