Ken Bruen

73, Male



Profile Information:

About Me:
Books And Authors I Like:
too many to mention
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Paris Texas, Curb your enthuaism

Comment Wall:

  • Ken Bruen

    we need to get Daniel Hatadi to America..........right
  • Christa M. Miller

    It's nice to see you here - so many people have had such wonderful things to say about you that now I, too, am looking forward to seeing more from you. Even if it's just here and there!
  • Tiffany Leigh

    Ken Bruen, in crime and space -- yay!
  • tashaalexander

    Ken!!! Always so lovely to see you!
  • J.D. Rhoades

    KEN! Glad to see you here, my friend.
  • Duane Swierczynski

    Ken! Sto lat!
  • Victor Gischler

    Ken, my photo can beat up your photo.
  • James

    Ken, a cara...we meet again.
  • Daniel Hatadi

    Ken, welcome aboard. Glad to have you here.

    And umm, America. One of these days, for sure. :)
  • M.G. Tarquini

    Hello Hello Hello!!!!
  • DADavenport

    Welcome, Ken. What a pleasure!
  • DADavenport

    Welcome, Ken. What a pleasure!
  • Jason Starr

    Hey Ken, great you're here. where's your pic?
  • Angie

    Howdy & welcome! Great to see you here. Oh. Wait. You're kinda blank... Ah, come on!
  • Brian Thornton

    Oh, thank GOD Bruen's here! Now we've got someone to say proper benedictions over the fallen...
  • Pat Mullan


    What are we all doing here? And why are you anonymous and why does Jason Starr look like Sterling Hayden - and Jim Winter looks just like George Clooney!

    I'm off to get a face lift!
    Slan go foill,
  • Dana Kaye

    Glad to see you finally got a picture up, though I was hoping you'd show off those boots you took off that Texan at Love is Murder
  • James

    Ah Ken, they say you can see a man's soul through his eyes. I say look at his boots...
  • Tiffany Leigh

    Congratulations on your Shamus nomination for THE DRAMATIST!
  • Harry Shannon

    Hello, my friend!
  • Ken Bruen

    Great to have you on board
  • Jay Stringer

    Thanks for letting me join in
  • Kathryn Lilley

    Hi Ken, thanks for stopping by!
  • David L. Hoof

    A Comment for Ken Bruen
    (and stop accusing me of never following instructions exactly!)
  • Victor Gischler

    What up with your bad-ass self?
  • Ken Bruen

    I'm as usual fending off attacks........seriously, eamil yesterday telling me My books were .......disgusting and I was shame to my country.I have no idea what David Hoff means when he says I accuse him of not following instructions.........what accusation...........what instructions, this is the first I've heard from him and already, he's what
    Jaysus wept
    Victor, go win that damn award in alaska and I'll be smiling and when we 're on the mature panel..........I'll be one pissing people off without saying a fooking word
    Video golf.........we'll ........CLEANUP.......... as will Sean D. at the awards
  • Maryann Mercer

    Hi Ken :o) Are you able to paddle across the pond for LIM this year? I know it's a bit chilly, but we're such a warm group! :o)
  • David L. Hoof

    When President Jimmy Carter's mother, the redoubable Mizz Lillian, was dispatched as a cultural ambassador to the Emerald Isle, her first question in Dublin when shown it, was "What's the Book of Kells?"' Well if that doesn't keep you in the pub late for many nights, I don't know what will. But here's another American curiousity" Do the folks in Limmerick really write limmericks, or were they just unlucky enough to have someone blame them for it. By the way, have been to Galway and nearly lost the wife to a mighty tailwind at the Cliffs of Mohr.
    It's a lovely place.
  • Mary Elwood

    Hiya! I started reading your books about a year ago and absolutely love them...can you say that about dark books? Anyway...looking forward to the next one. And love your collaboration with Jason Starr as well. Keep writing and I'll keep reading!
  • Tiffany Leigh

    Congratulations on the Shamus for THE DRAMATIST. Very well-deserved.
  • Ken Bruen

    Dear Tiffany
    Thank you so much
    I truly didn't think I had a snowball chance of winning the Shamus for a second time
    Still can't believe it
    Thank you so much
  • Daniel Hatadi

    Excellent news, Ken, and well deserved too. THE DRAMATIST is one of my faves. Congratulations!
  • Peg Herring

    I'm hoping you won't mind a mention of your name in a series of talks I'm giving in libraries here in Michigan. You're my "famous" writer in the subgenre and I chose Allan Guthrie as a "fledgling" example of note. Hoping it sells a book or two for each of you here across the pond.
  • DADavenport

    Congratulations on the Shamus Award. Fantastic and well-deserved news! Read the Cross this weekend. As usual, you completely blew me away. Thanks for the great read, and the couple of nights tossing and turning as I tried to get it out of my mind and get some sleep!
  • Naomi Hirahara

    Hope you're feeling better, Ken!
  • Ken Bruen

    David, Naomi, Daniel, Peg
    You guys sure made me whole week, thank you, David, sorry about the nights sleep, I'll make it up to you in brews and Peg, god bless you, I finally get to be famous, wonderful
    bheannacht to you all
  • Jeff Sherratt

    I picked up SLIDE this afternoon, just finished chapter eight. Jaysus fooking Christ…lol.
  • Ken Bruen

    wait till you see part 3 which we've just finished, makes slide seem like a cosy
  • Karen J. Laubenstein

    Jason did a good job getting the awards for you last weekend -but everyone missed having you at B'con-hugely!!! Congrats and wish I'd gotten to flash you as I did the other winners, but can send you a photo of Jason with your award.
  • JackBludis

    Congratulations on your Shmus for THE DRAMATIST.
  • Ken Bruen

    Karen, Jack
    great to hear from you and thank you
    I think I can safely retire and let Jason do the biz from now on, he even does an irish accent better than me
  • Poisonguy

    The Killing of the Tinkers was outstanding. I'll have to make another stop at the bookstore to get myself more of that.
  • Daniel Hatadi

    Just to add to Poisonguy's comment, THE KILLING OF THE TINKERS happens to be my favourite of your works. Thanks for writing such a kick arse novel, Ken.
  • Ken Bruen

    God bless yer wondrous hearts
    I owe ye a crate of guinness and many bottles of Jameson
    You guys rock
    thank you ken
  • Mark Stevens

    Reading American Skin right now....and loving it.
  • Elizabeth Zelvin

    Bless you, Ken. I put the poetry books in the mail for you today. And I have to tell you that when I went down to Mysterious last night for the launch of Otto Penzler's Vicious Circle anthology, I told him FIRST that you loved my book and THEN about the Agatha--giving the antidote first, since he's well known to be allergic to teacups. (Do you Darksiders know that the actual Agatha is a teapot?) He still did a kind of double take, like a vampire confronted with garlic. ;) Liz