Lee Lofland


United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I'm the author of Police Procedure and Investigation, A Guide For Writers, a 2008 Macavity Award nominee. I also write a daily blog for writers called The Graveyard Shift.

Here's what Jeffery Deaver had to say about my book

"A masterpiece . . . Police Procedure and Investigation offers everything, I mean everything, an author--novelist or nonfiction--needs to know about law enforcement: from police headquarters and laboratories to crime scenes to courthouses to jails. And Author Lofland pulls off another coup--he's managed to give us this encyclopedia of information in a style that's crisp, concise and damn fun to read. "

--Jeffery Deaver, author of The Sleeping Doll and The Bone Collector

I'm also the director and host of the Writers' Police Academy, an exciting and action-packed event where writers receive hands-on training in police procedure, investigation, and forensics. Keynote speakers have included Lee Child, Jeffery Deaver, and Lisa Gardner.
I Am A:
Writer, Organization
Books And Authors I Like:
James Lee Burke
Michael Connelly
Jeffery Deaver
Jan Burke
Dean Koontz
Stephen King
Lawrence Block
Elmore Leonard
Annie Proulx
Megan Abbott
SJ Rozan
Janet Evanovich
Robert B. Parker
Chris Grabenstein
Sue Grafton
Joseph Wambaugh
PJ Parrish
Theresa Schwegel
Ed McBain
Thomas Harris
The poetry of Dr. John Lofland, The Milford Bard (Poe's good friend)
Rhys Bowen
Agatha Christie
Tess Gerritsen
Sara Gruen
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
The Big Bang Theory
American Horror Story
Bates Motel

Comment Wall:

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  • pam ward

    Hi fellow crime writer. How lucky to live Rhode Island. I went there in Sept and it was beautiful. Thanks for inviting me to your site!
  • Allan E. Ansorge

    Thanks for the invite Lee. Borrowed your book from a friend in my writing group. She'll have to catch me to get it back. If we cross paths you can sign stolen goods for me.
  • Dee Owen

    Hi Lee, Thanks for the invitation. Look forward to reading. Dee
  • Liz Mugavero

    Hi Lee,

    I saw your talk at CrimeBake a few weeks ago and loved it! Great info. Your book is never far from my reach.

  • Karyn J. Powers

    Lee, Forensic U at St Louis was a blast. Thanks for all the great information and for your text. It has helped me ask the right questions of my local law enforcement people.
  • Donna Carrick

    Hi, Lee, like your space. Thanks for adding me to your group.
    Happy writing,
    Donna Carrick
  • Nikki

    Hi Lee,

    Look forward to having a look at your stuff. So many talented people in one place......I'm in heaven! They just need to send someone round for my drinks order now....
  • Sarah M. Chen

    Thanks for the invite Lee. Hope the holidays are treating you well.
  • Sophie Littlefield

    Hey Lee, what an honor to meet you! I own your book and refer to it all the time. Thanks for the great resource. Also, my brother (Mike Wiecek) told me how well-received your recent presentations to the New England gang were. Too bad I'm on the other coast, I would have loved to attend.
    - Sophie
  • Austin S. Camacho

    I KNEW I had your book but I was searching on the wrong shelves, thinking you were a fiction-writing pal. I found your well-thumbed book next to Saferstein and I will just say that yours is the best "police procedural" I've found and informs every move of my fiction private eye, Hannibal Jones.

    All that to say... thanks for adding me. :-)
  • Peg Brantley

    Lee, thanks for the invite! I plan on snagging your book back from my buddy New Year's Eve. It's mine by golly and he can just get his own copy. Sheesh. Looking forward to you guest blogging next month.

    Merry Christmas.

  • Anne Brooke

    Thanks for the invite, Lee - good to meet you here!


  • Shirley Wells

    Thanks for the invite, Lee. Your book sounds great. I don't suppose you're planning on writing one that covers police procedure in the UK? :o)
  • Shirley Wells

    I think you should, Lee. We need a really good one.
  • robert walker

    Hey Lee, my friend, hola and how're ya, man? Great to run into you here, really. What's on your sched? We oughta do somethihg together someplace. I am going to Love is Murder, Chicago FEB. take a looksee as we have a great lineup. It/s at www.LoveIsMurder.net
    My son did the website. Nice, huh?
    Say, I got a stellar, stellar review from the Chicago Tribune for both Shadows in White City and its sequel City of the Absent. The two books that follow City for Ransom. Made for a great Christmas present.
    Hey, I put up a blog here on writing the short story. You might find the 3 rules\elements of interest if you are doing any short fiction. Me, I am doing more shorts than ever. Placing a lot online. I am also trying to figure out how to add folks like you on my site here or is that automatic when I respond to you like this??
    Take Care and again great to hear from you, man.
    Rob Walker
  • Stewart P Evans

    Thanks for the invite Lee. Your book sounds interesting, I was a police officer here in the UK for nearly 30 years. Take care and all the very best, Stewart
  • Gayle Wigglesworth

    Thanks for asking Lee, and for the info on your book. Sounds intriguing.
  • eve seymour

    Hi Lee,

    If Jeffrey Deaver thinks your book is a masterpiece I'm in! I echo Shirley's comment. E.V.
  • Alison Bruce

    Hi Lee, thanks for the add, hope to chat to you sometime, your book looks like a really interesting read,

    cheers, Alison
  • jKathleen

    Thank You for the Add, I will read your book as I hate phony participants in my stories,
    I like my Agents as real as possible. And as intense as the heroine can handle lol.
  • joe miller

    Reading your book now. I like the new blog as well.
  • Karyn J. Powers

    Hi Lee,
    Love your new Blog. I am in my third wk of citizen police academy. Saw some great French Terrorist Police video of the Belgian Malinois Police dog. We have two plus a shepherd on our force. Yikes give it up for a dog that weighs around 50 pounds and hits like a battering ram.I also found out our local officers' duty belts weigh in at an astounding 30 plus lbs when all tricked out. Like to see TJ Hooker vault the squad with that number weighing him down!
  • Karen Allingham

    Thanks for adding me Lee. Your book sounds great ... I suspect a book like yours is needed in many countries, including Australia.
  • Karen Allingham

    Thanks Lee, I was check out your blog.
  • Wilfred Bereswill

    Hey Lee, Thanks for the add. It's been awile since St. Louis. Hope things are going well.
  • Dana King

    Lee, I just read your interview in Mysterious Musings, via In Reference to Murder. Not just informationla, but timely for me. That night I was writing an arrest scene; your comment taught me the cops don't need to Mirandize the suspect right away, if they aren't going to ask a question. A minor thing, but it added to the verisimilitude. The book is already on my Amazon Wish List for my next purchase run. Thanks, and good luck.
  • Pepper Smith

    Lee, just got your Police Procedure and Investigation book. I'm looking forward to sitting down and reading it through. Though probably not all in one sitting, just looking at the thickness of the book, lol!
  • Pepper Smith

    Thanks! I sure will.
  • Loretta Wheeler

    Thank you for the invitation Lee:) I'll be back tomorrow to look through your forum, The Graveyard Shift (that reallly appeals to me:) and definitely take a look at your book...how fantastic that Jeffery Deaver called it a masterpiece...for me, that would be the stuff dreams are made of, it would take me a month to recover!:)
  • Loretta Wheeler

    laughing, I'm stillllll here...you know how it is, another e-mail pings in and you say, oh well, let me look at that....and you're lost in cyberspace again:)
    I think you're right, to be frank, I doubt I'd find ground again for darn near a year:) I was a mad woman for about 2 months after finding out I was finally publishing::) Godawmighty, made a complete "A" of myself bouncing around everywhere:):) I'd probably wake up in the ER if Ihad the same experience you did!:)
    L. (sigh, I think I left this somewhere unknown, didn't hit the comment back thingy, so if you see it twice, it's not an illusion, it's just my amazing computer skills!:)
  • Margaret

    Hi, Lee,

    Glad to call myself your friend. If Jeffery Deaver found your book helpful, I'm wondering where I can find it.

    P.S. Your list of authors could well be mine. Also, I found Dexter on Netflix and watched all they had to offer. Loved it. Of course, I also loved Darkly Dream Dexter and other Deaver books.

  • jKathleen

    I really enjoy your The Grave Yard Shift blog and have passed it along to my other friends. I always find something that I had taken for granted that wasn't true. thanks again.
  • Karyn J. Powers

    Hi, Lee, I just took a hit from a Taser X26 in my citizen police academy tonight. Yikes that hurt. I asked for the five second ride but managed to get out the words "Stop it." after three seconds. I opted for the aligator clips instead of the barbed probes, but I still got blisters on my shoulder blades. How many ways can i say "Uncle?"
  • jKathleen

    Having a hard time getting my mind around Dexter,
    He's got the look, appeal, Intellect. Maybe it's just my Romantic side, debating the good and evil thing. What is it about him that keeps you?
  • Elizabeth Zelvin

    Hi Lee. I just read your piece about the pepper spray incident in the new Sisters in Crime newsletter, and I have to tell you that LOL is not just an expression--I literally laughed out loud. Great story! :) Liz
  • Karyn J. Powers

    I think the residual tension finally left my neck and upper back sometime after lunch. Apparently Subway has a cure they didn't know about. Go Jared.
  • Lee Lofland

    Maybe cops should carry a small sub on their duty belts. You know, to bring people back around after they've been shot with a Taser.
  • Elizabeth Zelvin

    You're right, Lee--I've seen your name everywhere lately but haven't gotten to The Graveyard Shift yet or seen your other articles. I can see I have to remedy that. Where can I find "Takin' Bacon"?
  • Karyn J. Powers

    I don't know. How many keepers would you need to secure the deli meats?
  • Elizabeth Zelvin

    Lee, I just read your article and commented on both that and the distressed cops on Julia Buckley's blog. Thanks for taking a look at my interview there--a great start to my virtual tour for Death Will Get You Sober. :) Liz
  • carole gill

    hi Lee, how are you?
    I read your book and it's great! but then I started to write my wip set in England--thought I should because i've lived here so long--but now have decided (permanetly I think) to definitely set in New York--but in the fifties. i love nostalgia. still, your book is so helpful and I might just pop up every now and then with the odd question. it's funny I wrote a lot of it both ways. and prefer or feel more comfortable with the states based location
    btw have also checked your blog. such helpful info on that.
    know any elderly former NY Detectives, though? ho ho.
    seriously, I'm immersing myself in some early 87th precinct novels by Ed McBain so that should help a lot.
    all the best,
  • Candace Irvin

    Hi, Lee--

    Thanks for the invite. I've read your fascinating responses to Qs on the crimescenewriter list--and your bk is on it's way. Should have been here today, in fact. Small world. :)

  • Candace Irvin

    have you had a chance to visit my blog, The Graveyard Shift?>>

    Not only have I been there, I've already recommended it to several writing buddies!
  • Patrick Balester

    Nice to meet you. I read your article in last year's The Writer magazine. Excellent work!
  • Jim Gracie

    Hi Lee. Thanks for welcoming me as a friend. I think we've communicated before, on the Mystery Writers Forum. I'm privileged to be part of Crimescene and to meet so many like-minded people!
  • carole gill

    didn't rave enough about your Police Procedure book! It is the most informative book of its kind. No writer of crime fiction can be without it! It's awesome. truly. Just had to add that, so there!!
  • carole gill

    it's deserved and you're welcome!
  • Dawn M. Kravagna

    Hi, Lee. I enjoyed your article in the latest Sisters in Crime newsletter. I look forward to reading the next one. I wanted to buy your police procedural book but it wasn't available on Amazon the first time I looked. It's there now, but I limit my book purchases per month, so I have added it to my wish list to buy in April.
  • Betty Gordon

    Lee, your "Police Procedure & Investigation" is a gift to writers. Thanks not only for this, but for all you do on the loops--great information.

    Betty Gordon
  • Joseph Finder

    Thanks for finding me here, Lee!