Derek Hart


Marietta, GA

United States

Profile Information:

Marietta, Georgia
About Me:
Derek Hart is the prolific author of action and adventure novels, known for their historical accuracy, while still maintaining a high level of entertainment. Romance is also a vital part of Derek Hart's trademark style and his novels generally appeal to men and women alike. Recently Mr. Hart authored Secret of the Dragon’s Eye, his first novel aimed at the young adult market, which met with instant success and outstanding reviews, followed by Secret of the Dragon’s Breath, the second in a series of 6.
I Am A:
Books And Authors I Like:
Jack Higgins, Alistair MacLean, Hammond Innes, Rex Stout, Doug Cummings, Dick Francis
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Too many to list right now.

Comment Wall:

  • Doug M. Cummings

    I think you're going to love this site! Welcome!
  • Derek Hart

    Thanks for the invitation! So far, I have really enjoyed what I've seen and read. Lots of talent and fascinating info. Great to be here.
  • joe miller
