Seth Harwood

Profile Information:

About Me:
Crime author of Jack Wakes Up and This Is Life, both Podcast-only novels that are available free at
I Am A:
Reader, Writer
Books And Authors I Like:
Chandler, Hammett, Coleman, Swierczynski, Harwood, Sigler, Mike Bennett.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:

Comment Wall:

  • Seth Harwood

    Jack Palms II: This Is Life starts Sunday!!
  • Shannon Clute

    Great to see you here Seth. I'm a big fan of JACK WAKES UP, and can't wait for JACK PALMS II. Best of luck with it!
  • Jordan Dane

    Great cover. Thanks for being a pal.
  • Jordan Dane

    LOL My question is - what the hell am I doing right? Who knows in this business. I'm still pinching myself and wondering what just happened. Thanks for the invite to check out your podcast. I'll do that. And welcome aboard.
  • James Twining

    Seth - thanks for the add
  • Keith Sparrow

    Remember getting wrecked in Berkeley in 1967 and going to a Dead concert at the Avalon Ballroom! Oh my!!!
  • Tom Cain

    Well, if we're going to get rock-nostalgic, I remember being an 18 year-old kid, travelling the states for the first time, going to see the Eagles and Fleetwood Mac at the Oakland Colisseum (one of Bill Graham's Days on the Green), then taking a VW van up into Marin and sitting in a hot tub (the first I'd ever seen), getting stoned (also a first), then heading out to Stinson Beach the next day. Then I went to see a film no one in England had ever heard of (wouldn't come out in the UK for months) but was pretty big in the States. It was called Star Wars ...
  • Jochem van der Steen

    Hi Seth! Good to see you here. I'll be spotlighting your stuff on my site, the coming week I think.
  • Marta Stephens

    Hi Seth. Thanks for the invite!
  • kendall R. Furlong

    Hi Seth, thanks for the invitation. Your favorite authors are all noir: love'em.
    Can't wait to check out your podcasts.
  • Kelli Stanley

    Thanks for the invite, Seth! Some of my favorite bookstores (and places to eat) are across the Bay in Berkeley. I'm looking forward to checking out your podcasts ... what a cool use of technology!I love the whole noir cast idea.

    Great photo, too, by the way!

  • Pamela Samuels-Young

    Thanks for inviting me.
  • Brenda Chapman

    Hi Seth - checking out your bio, I see we've held some of the same jobs - bartender and teacher to name two. I'll be checking out your podcasts.
  • Patrick Lee

    Hi Seth, thanks for the invite!
  • Michael Haskins

    Hi Seth, look forward to listening to your podcasts. I was raised outside Boston, in N. Quincy, but let there a long time ago. I have been a journalist and photojournalist, so we have somethings in common.
  • Declan Burke

    Hi Seth, thanks for the invite, I'm much obliged. Love the idea of of the podcasts, I'll give them a plug on Crime Always Pays next week ... Cheers, Dec
  • Cara Black

    Thanks, Seth, I'm 'going over' to listen to your podcast right now...
  • Cormac Brown

    Thanks for the invite and you have excellent taste in authors.
  • Mark Terry

    Thanks for the invite!
  • Elaine Flinn

    Thanks for the invitation, Seth. And best wishes for your success!
  • Douglas Quinn

    Thanks for the invitation. I'll check out your podcasts. I was thinking about using podcasting as a way to market my novels. What sofware and hardware do you need to set up a podcast?

    Douglas Quinn
  • Dana King

    Thanks for the invite, Seth, and good luck with the podcasts.
  • carole gill

    Hi and thanks!
  • Troy Nelson

    Thanks for adding me!
  • Troy Nelson

    Have a great weekend!
  • Mari Sloan

    The Billboard ROCKS! I'm almost afraid to ask how it came about and if you have any idea what it cost.
  • L.J. Sellers

    Hi Seth
    Thought you might like out my blog, The Power of Jack.