R.J. Mangahas

Profile Information:

Somewhere in New England
About Me:
I'm a writer. Feel free to draw your own assumptions on that one.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer
Books And Authors I Like:
Most of Stephen King's Stuff, Joseph Finder, Dennis Lehane, Edgar Allen Poe,
"The Firm" by John Grisham, "When the Elephants Dance" by Tess Uriza Holth, "Hitman" by Lawrence Block, "Nine Stories" by J.D. Salinger, "On Bullshit" by Harry G. Frankfurt, "Brain Droppings" "Napalm and Silly Putty" "When Will Jesus Bring the Porkchops" all by George Carlin, "Good Omens" by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman, "SWF Seeks Same" by John Lutz, "The Bone Collector" by Jeffrey Deaver, "Life Expectency" "Odd THomas" "Velocity" all by Dean Koontz, "Come Closer" by Sara Gran, Christopher Moore, J.A. Konrath, Jason Pinter, JT Ellison, Marcus Sakey, Faye and Jonathan Kellerman. There are many more, but those are the ones I can think of so far.

Comment Wall:

  • Sarah M. Chen

    Hi Bobby. It's about time you joined! : ) Welcome.
  • Jason Pinter

    I'm counting the days. Lehane is my favorite contemporary author, and it's been far too long since SHUTTER ISLAND.
  • Kelli Stanley

    Hey, thanks for the friendship and the message, R.J.!! And let's get together for a chat at B'con! I'd love to hear about what you're writing ... loved the eclectic mix of your favorites. I'll be around for the entire conference ...
    Looking forward to it! :)
  • Kelli Stanley

    LOL ... absolutely. That's why I always wear a hat to conferences. :) You can spot me at the bar more easily!! ;)

    I'll also be on two panels, one of which I'm moderating. It's going to be an insanely big conference! I'll be retiring early for gimlets at the bar ... I'll look for you there! :)