Jarrett Rush


Garland, TX

United States

Profile Information:

Kansas City, Mo.
About Me:
I am a newly married man in my middle 30s trying to get serious about the one thing I have wanted to do my entire life -- writing. I don't write crime fiction intentionally, it's just what always seems to come out. Currently working on a novella, first draft done. Hoping to have it ready to publish by the end of the year. I have had a couple of short stories published at A Twist of Noir with a couple of more coming up.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer
Books And Authors I Like:
Hammett, Chandler, Lee Child, Olen Steinhauer,
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
White Collar, Burn Notice, The Office, How I Met Your Mother, House,

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  • Sue Harding

    Ha! sneaking around the blogoshere are you? Please leave a comment so I know you've called when I'm 'out'! ;-)

    Am putting the writing on hold for a couple of weeks - am flying to New England on Monday for a hoiday with my cousin, who lives in New Hampshire - but will try to keep up with my blog-buddies as and when I can ( coz and wife have planned a packed itinerary.....!)
  • Richard Godwin

    Hi Jarrett, thank you for the invite, I look forward to reading your writing. Best, Richard.
  • Robert Christopher

    No problem. : -)