Mark Bouton


Havensville, KS

United States

Profile Information:

Bartlesville, OK
About Me:
I love mystery/suspense novels, as well as books that inform about investigative and forensic techniques, and books that advise how to write crime novels. I write novels, with four published, most recently The Second Savior, an LAPD mystery with homicide detectives investigating gang-related slayings, with a dollop of religious mysticism. I was a career FBI agent, and I've also written a non-friction book about how to detect when someone's lying. My agent will shop it to editors soon.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer
Books And Authors I Like:
Lee Child, Robert Crais, Elmore Leonard, Ed McBain, Nancy Pickard, Robert Campbell, T. Dawn Richard, Harley Jane Kozak, Susan McBride, Joe Konrath, Rob Walker, Libby Fischer Hellman, Janet Evanovich, David Morrell, Stephen King, Ann Lamott, Jeffery Deaver, Joyce Carol Oates, Sue Grafton, Laura Lippman, Robin Burcell, Michael Connelly, Mary Kennedy, Wallace Stegner, Walker Percy, David Foster Wallace
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Action, comedy, drama movies. The Office, Seinfield, Friends, The Wire, 30 Rock, football, golf, tennis.

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  • Anthony Flacco

    Hi, Mark -- Thank you kindly. Isn't it great to be at the point in our lives where we can do this? I can so clearly remember looking out at the world with utter bewilderment, especially when I picked up a well written book that proved there were people who had figured out a lot of it. Today, no matter how confusing passing events may seem, that sense of having no idea what is real or right or true is finally gone. It's absence is worth the price of watching my own youth go with it. In a perfect world I would have been at this point by the time I turned 25. In the real one I never forget how lucky I am to be here at all.
  • Deborah Turrell Atkinson

    Hi Mark,
    Way to go, though moving is hard to do. How's the writing going? I had a book come out in February, my fourth--hooray. Another tale of suspense in Hawaii.
    take care,
  • JackBludis

    Good luck with your final revision.