Keith Dixon

, Male

Rode Heath

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Rode Heath, England
About Me:
I'm a writer, editor, proofreader and copywriter and I've published two crime novels, with the third on the way. I have a blog that focuses on how crime writers write - in other words, how do they create their own particular style?
I Am A:
Reader, Writer, Editor
Books And Authors I Like:
Anything by James Lee Burke, George Pelecanos, Elmore Leonard, Robert Crais, Patricia Highsmith, Lawrence Block, James Hall, Tim Dorsey, Joe Lansdale. Most of Jefferson Parker, Carl Hiaasen and James Crumley. No British crime writers make my cut.
Then add in Scott Fitzgerald, John Steinbeck and John Dos Passos.
And Kurt Vonnegut.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
At the moment:
Mad Men
Breaking Bad
The Walking Dead
NYPD Blue (deceased)
The West Wing (deceased)
Movies: Too many to mention - some current favourites:
The Bourne trilogy
A Clockwork Orange
Mulholland Drive
Citizen Kane
The 400 Blows

Comment Wall:

  • Maryann Mercer

    Hi Keith,
    You know, the first month I worked at the store the manager had to remind me to pick up my paycheck. That's how excited I was to be working there. Of course, the perils of retail include messy shoppers, rude shoppers, customers who belive we are a baby-sitting service, and those who believe we need to stock books out of print for the past decade. Even with all that, I love talking about my favorite authors, recommending books, and seeing the new stock come in and sell well. I'm also fortunate that this is a second job, or I'd be bankrupt just supporting my addiction to the printed page :o) BTW Is Altered Life available in the US? I'm in a university community, so we have an eclectic group of readers. We carry (finally) Stephen Booth's mysteries as well as a few others. I'd like to read yours so I can recommend it!
  • Daniel Hatadi

    Thanks, Keith. Glad you like the place. The badges might be picking up the style of your blog and becoming hidden. Another option is using the simpler version from the help page.
  • Dennis Venter

    Hi Keith. Yup, I noticed our similar tastes. What did you think of the Sopranos finale? Are you in the camp that hated it and felt cheated or did you think it was perfect - like I did?
  • Dennis Venter

    Oops, sorry - can't believe we down here actually got to see the end of the Sopranos before you up there. And I know what you mean about avoiding commentary on the finale, I ducked and dived it for months too. But I don't think I gave anything away, did I?
  • Roger Newbury

    Hi Keith, you're welcome. I had over 10 yrs experience with my local theatre, it was only a small one, 150 seater, but as well as acting, and lighting experiences gained, it fired up my interest in writing comedy plays, mainly for the amatuer market, (although if one got taken up by a professional theatre company, so much the better!)
    I need to do some major re-working on my two main novels, 'Medusa's Curse' & 'Inside Justice', as they were written in the early 90's, and I feel that by today's standards, they'd not fair too well.
    It's nice to make your acqauintance.