Marilyn Meredith

, Female


United States

Profile Information:

Springville CA 93265
About Me:
I'm the author of the Deputy Tempe Crabtree series (latest book is Calling the Dead) and the Rocky Bluff P.D. series written under the name F.M.Meredith. (Fringe Benefits)
I Am A:
Books And Authors I Like:
Jan Burke, Wm. Kent Krueger, Sunny Frazier, Victoria HeckmanJ. A. Jance, James Burke and many more including some wonderful small press authors such as Radine Trees Nehring, Sunny Frazier, Pat Harrington, Gayle Wigglesworth, gay totl kinman.

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  • Johnny Russell

    Marilyn I received my signed copy of DISPEL The MYTH today, how wonderful!, and just in time for the holidays. Thank-you too much!! I'm still waiting for "ANGELS" by my friend Sunny Frazier to get here, then my shopping list for Xmas will be complete. I just read DK Gaston's book LOST HOURS, an exciting detective type murder mystery with a bunch of twists and turns, and you'll never guess the villain. I'm reading another book right now, chapter eight of 9 NINE DRAGONS by Michael Connelly. You know he was on the new T.V. show Castle Nov 30, him and Stephen J Cannell both playing themselves on that episode. It was so kul. You can see it on online at
    Your Fan
  • Kathleen A. Ryan

    Yes, we do! Always a pleasure to see you, Marilyn! Enjoy your holidays!
  • Johnny Russell

    Hi Marilyn, we like Vegas we go there a lot, so much our rooms are usually comped. If the creek don't rise Karen and I will be attending.