Dennis Leppanen


Sebring, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Munising, Michigan
About Me:
After a couple stints in Viet Nam, I went to Michigan State U. and came out with a minor in journalism. I've written for newspapers and magazines until going free-lance, my gosh, almost twenty years ago.
WHOO???, was released on July 1, about a murdering bunch of scoundrals that my intrepid reporter must track down. I will complete the re-write of Escape From Little Alcatraz, my first novel, by summer's end.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer
Books And Authors I Like:
Elmore Leonard--Follows me to Florida & Michigan
Carl Hiaasen---If I could write characters like his
John Sanford---Ditto. Although his early stuff was more tense.
Robert Crais---Gotta love wise-cracking P.I.'s & Joe Pike
Loren D. Estleman--Best kept secret in hard-boiled reading.
Robert Parker--Rediscovered him through Stone & his westerns.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
McMurtrey's stuff-though I didn't see Broke Back Mountain

My dad had a fishin' buddy--name a John Voelker-aka, Robert Traver.
As a puppy I watched Jimmy Stewart, Lee Remick, George C. Scott, Ben Gazzara, Arthur O'Connel, Eve Arden, Kathryn Grant, and Otto Preminger exit the Marquette County Courthouse after a day of filming.
I guess you could say that Robert Traver was an early influence. He wrote a bunch of other novels, most hilarious accounts of the U.P.

Comment Wall:

  • Robert Goldsborough

    Hi, Dennis,

    I'm interested in learning more about your new book & your 1890s newspaper reporter!

    Robert Goldsborough
  • Dennis Leppanen

    Thank you much, Robert. From one scribe to another. Me thinks you have an edge on me, but it is great to relate.

    It starts with a rumor of serious shenanigans in the the northern U.P. where they were logging the King. The timber from the White Pine. There were rumours of serious trouble, where a female reporter wrote about the 'Ram's Pasture'--a hell-camp of slavery and debauchery. Strangers were shanghaied on the frontier, shunted to camp, and help in peonage.

    Journalists came from all over the mid-west to see, if any of the report was true. The female reporter, Leah Brennan, is from Chicago. She plays a major role.

    This has stretched from Mackinac Island to the Last Frontier. My reporter, Kell Thomas, is coming back, just much older.
  • Dennis Leppanen


    We must get together, we have much in common. My dad took me back to the old Cubs, my mother still believes she is a fan. Where do I find your novel?

    I will go back and google for it. -Den
  • Donna Glaser

    Hey Robert,
    Your book sounds awesome. I've been to the UP and love the setting. Good luck!
  • N. J. Lindquist

    Hi Dennis,

    Re your post, I'm a Lindquist by marriage only, so I wouldn't look like any you knew - they were probably Swedish and I'm of Scottish ancestry. :) My husband is actually from Saskatchewan and (long story here) he wasn't related to them either, because his grandfather's name was actually Peterson before he changed it to Lindquist. :)

    Been in Michigan a number of times.
  • Robert Goldsborough

    Hi, Dennis,

    You can get "Three Strikes You're Dead" and my second Steve "Snap" Malek novel through Amazon and also direct from my publisher, Echelon Press ( Thanks for your interest!

    Robert Goldsborough
  • Patti McCoy Jacob

    Hi Dennis -

    A bichon is a dog. Its full name is Bichon Frise, and although that sounds french, I heard a rumor they're actually from Spain. Anyway, why two? God knows! Sounded like a good idea at the time - provide each other with companionship when the rest of us are gone, etc. They're nothing more than partners in crime!

    Thanks for letting me add you as a friend!

  • Larry W. Chavis

    HIi, Dennis,
    Thanks for stopping by my page & telling me about Loren D. Estleman. I always interested in new [to me] hard-boiled, and especially, western writers.
  • Robert Goldsborough

    Hi, Dennis,

    I hardly know where to start in recommending a Collins book, but you might try TRUE DETECTIVE (1983), one of his Nate Heller books, which is a favorite of mine.

  • Jordan Dane

    Thanks for visiting my site and providing that detailed inventory of your spare PARTS. I love blogging and it is a release of my humor. I have threads of it in my books, but not nearly to the extent I do here and on MySpace. I've got quite a following there. I save my strangest things for MySpace. Thanks for exploding your humor on me. I LOVE it!!!
  • Larry W. Chavis


    A week or so ago, you stopped by my page and recommended that I check out Loren D. Estleman's work. I'm deep into *The Master Executioner* now, and you were absolutely correct. Great writer. Thanks.
  • Larry W. Chavis

    Finished *The Master Executioner,* and it was excellent, although a bit different from my normal fare. I WILL be looking for more.
  • Kate Pepper

    Hi Dennis. 30 Rock is just a TV show! :)
  • Jordan Dane

    You went out on your walk or a THREE HOUR TOUR. What happened to you, Gilligan?
  • Dennis Leppanen

    Ha! I ran outta ice.
  • Amanda Stevens

    Hi Dennis. Just wanted to drop in and say hi. Thanks for befriending me.
  • Jordan Dane

    Denny---you've been a bad boy!! I hear you;re on Paris' A LIST.
  • Dennis Leppanen

    Paris' A list???

    I made the list, Jordan? It's only 10:30 here---am I allowed a scotch? Mebbe just a teeny-weeny nip...?
  • Bethany K. Warner

    Nice to know there are other newshounds around here.
    I write for the Oshkosh Northwestern in Oshkosh, Wis.
  • Jack Getze

    No anchovies for me, thank you. Reminds me of fish bait.
  • Dennis Leppanen

    Thanks Keith,

    I'm gonna check him and her put. Yes, this is cool.