Byron Leon McAllister

95, Male

Almost always west of the Mississippi

United States

Profile Information:

now, Bozeman
About Me:
I was gonna be a chemist, but backslid. I became a mathematician, but retired. Now I write mysteries, but publishing and marketing being so disagreeable (to me, that is; somebody must like it) I'm looking into where to backslide to. Sample locations for earlier incarnations (in random order): Hayward, California; Alton, Utah; Madison, Wisconsin; Rapid City, South Dakota; Salt Lake City, Utah. I used to go by my middle name, but was drafted for Korea (sent elsewhere) at which time the U S Army decided I had to go by the first one. Changing back turned out to be harder than I'd expected, so I ended up not doing it.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer
Books And Authors I Like:
I don't often re-read books, but the fact that I do re-read Agatha Christie shows that I like her work. Strangely enough, I also enjoy rereading my own work. Not every writer does. (Do you?) I reckon I have too many likes to try to select further among them here. And nobody wants to read about my dislikes.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
We (spouse and I) have a lot of tapes and DVDs featuring Poirot or Marple (each in multiple incarnations), plus some miscellaneous, e.g. the Foyle's War series. Our collection of S. Holmes is miniscule, because spouse hates the SOB--I don't, but who am I to decide what to do with loose change? Now that TV has gone digital, our old eyes sometimes settle for those tapes and CDs, plus two a month (not always mystery) from Netflix.

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