Charles D. Allen

Profile Information:

About Me:
C.D. Allen is a writer of supernatural thrillers/mystery slipstream that sometimes leans in the direction of horror. He's published several short stories and is working on a novel called The Tenebrous Habit, which introduces Dr. James Devon, cultural anthropologist and cult deprogrammer, who finds himself working through a mystery that involves a supposedly non-fictional history book and tales of ghostly nuns that serve the devil.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer, Editor
Books And Authors I Like:
Too many books to name, really.

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  • L.J. Sellers

    Hi Charles
    Your stories sound quite interesting. I too edit novels (for a living) and learn so much from the process. Reading fiction is the next best instructor.
    In theory, I should be a better writer by now! (LOL)
  • Daniel Hatadi

    Glad you like it, Charles. Sometimes I'm completely blown away by all the activity that goes on here. I can never keep up!
  • Todd Banks

    Things are going great. Just looking for a home for an anthology idea I have. No luck as of yet.