Yang-May Ooi

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

About Me:
Malaysian-born novelist based in London, Yang-May Ooi - published two legal thrillers "The Flame Tree" and "Mindgame" with Hodder & Stoughton.

Comment Wall:

  • Morgan Mandel

    Your blog looks quite organized and informative.
    By the way, who is in the picture with the sheep and dog?

    Morgan Mandel
  • Yang-May Ooi

    Hi Morgan, thanks for visiting. The photo of the sheep and dog is one I borrowed from the world wide web to illustrate the concept of "round up" so I'm afraid I don't know who they are!
  • Charles Kelly

    Hi. My book's main character is an investigative reporter, but he's Irish-born and a whole lot tougher and better-looking than I am. I'm certain familiar with the way he goes about his business, however. What's your background?
  • Charles Kelly

    Hi. I just visited your website. You have a fascinating background. Very cool!
  • Charles Kelly

    Hi. I noticed that you told Robert Gregory Browne that you're interested in comments from crimespace members about why they joined crimespace (so you can publish the comments in Fusion View). I just joined, but I foresee several benefits. For one thing, it's a friendly, very personal way to share my experiences as a writer and lover of crime fiction. It offers an opportunity for personal promotion of my soon-to-be-published novel, and it's very user-friendly, technologically. It leads you through the steps of, essentially, creating your own blog. And it encourages the creation of a personal web page, which I haven't done yet but will soon. All in all, it's great fun!
  • Yang-May Ooi

    Hi Charles - thanks for sharing your personal experience re using this space. I will quote you on my post and add a link to your page. (I would have asked every one of my friends on crimespace but I haven't got around to typing duplicate message to everyone! So thanks for taking the initiative to give me your views.
  • Charles Kelly

    Thanks for your reply. Yes, the process of communicating is a bit confusing. I sent a bunch of messages before I figured it out. I think the right answer is to go to the home page of the person to whom you are writing and post your reply there. Thanks again! I'm terrible about promoting my writing, but I hope this is an easy and painless way to do it.