Jon Loomis


United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I'm the author of the Frank Coffin mysteries, HIGH SEASON (2007) and MATING SEASON (2009), both from St. Martin's Minotaur. The third book in the series, FIRE SEASON, will be released in July of 2012. I'm also the author of two books of poetry: VANITAS MOTEL and THE PLEASURE PRINCIPLE, from Oberlin College Press. I live in West-Central Wisconsin, where I teach creative writing and literature at the college level.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer
Books And Authors I Like:
I like mysteries and literary fiction, poetry and memoir. My literary gods are Chandler, P.G. Wodehouse, and the poet Charles Wright.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
I like old stuff with old guys in it: Jimmy Stewart, John Wayne, Sean Connery, Bogart, et al. Also, Mad Men. I suspect I'd like The Wire if I ever got around to watching it.

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  • Gaile Hughes

    Hey Jon, are you published in OZ, went to acquire one of your books today. Felt I could learn a lot by reading your work. Where for art thou...
  • Caroline Trippe

    I am definitely going to check out your Frank Coffin series. They sound interesting. And your poetry. Which I also like to read. Intirguing---a poet AND a mystery writer. It works. We can like both, can't we! I do not write murder mysteries myself---I'm just a humble reader .Visual artist---no good with plot. However, one thing I "demand" in a mystery---even though it is "recreational reading" is excellent writing. I think I can probably expect that in your books.
  • Caroline Trippe

    Well, it does seem to have generated a pretty lively discussion!