Clair Dickson
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  • Ian Ayris
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  • Benjamin Sobieck
  • Matt Rees
  • B.R.Stateham
  • Nancy Thorp
  • JJ Cooper
  • Jean Henry Mead
  • Out of the Gutter Magazine
  • Josephine Damian
  • Linton Robinson
  • Beth Groundwater

Clair Dickson's Discussions

You're not really evil until you've killed more than once?
26 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by carole gill Jul 10, 2008.

Friending and Social Networks
17 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Daniel Hatadi Jul 10, 2008.

Romance in your mystery
22 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by carole gill Jun 25, 2008.


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Clair Dickson's Page

Profile Information

SE Michigan
About Me:
Author of Bo Fexler short stories-- between teaching alternative high school and other jobs. Bo Fexler is a sexy, modern female private investigator who knows how to use her mind, her fists, and her body.
I Am A:
Books And Authors I Like:
Raymond Chandler, Robert Fate, James M. Cain, r2, Frank Zafiro, Patti Abbott, and most anyone who writes dark prose or plays with words.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Star Wars 4-6, Kill Bill, Toy Story, the Incredibles, Over the Hedge, Erin Brockovich, Strong Medicine (TV show), Unwrapped (on Food Network), Ever After, Big Trouble, Stranger than Fiction, GalaxyQuest

Meet Bo Fexler

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Clair Dickson's Blog

Stories and Rumors

There are quite a few stories about Bo Fexler, though you shouldn't believe all you read.

If you don't know her, you should. She's the sort of woman that will bring you to your knees. If you're good, she's do it with her mouth. If your bad, she'll do it with her fists. Or maybe it's the other way around. ;-)

She's good to have on your side. It's kind of like being on the right side of a gun.

She's been skukling around for a while, taking in the scenery. She… Continue

Posted on May 25, 2008 at 9:01am

Comment Wall (8 comments)

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At 10:18am on July 4, 2009, Preetham Grandhi said…
Hi Clair, I want to introduce you to my debut novel "A Circle of souls" which is a paranormal, murder, mystery thriller and a tale of justice and hope. Do visit to read more about the book. Make sure you sign up to win an autographed copy of the book. Thanks for your time in advance.

Best regards

Preetham Grandhi

Early Endorsements for “A Circle of Souls”

Linda Fairstein, NYT Bestselling Author: "A fascinating debut - this novel takes the reader to the darkest places in the human soul, from a writer with the authenticity to lead us there. A stunning thriller and an important read."

Judge Judy Sheindlin, star of the Judge Judy Show: "The seminal work of this fine author kept me glued to my chair until the adventure was over and the mystery solved. A great read!"

Book Synopsis:

The sleepy town of Newbury, Connecticut, is shocked when a little girl is found brutally murdered. The town s top detective, perplexed by a complete lack of leads, calls in FBI agent Leia Bines, an expert in cases involving children.

Meanwhile, Dr. Peter Gram, a psychiatrist at Newbury s hospital, searches desperately for the cause of seven-year-old Naya Hastings devastating nightmares. Afraid that she might hurt herself in the midst of a torturous episode, Naya s parents have turned to the bright young doctor as their only hope.

The situations confronting Leia and Peter converge when Naya begins drawing chilling images of murder after being bombarded by the disturbing images in her dreams. Amazingly, her sketches are the only clues to the crime that has panicked Newbury residents. Against her better judgment, Leia explores the clues in Naya s crude drawings, only to set off an alarming chain of events.
In this stunning psychological thriller, innocence gives way to evil, and trust lies forgotten in a web of deceit, fear, and murder.
At 5:36am on February 12, 2009, B.R.Stateham said…
There are always . . . always . . . exceptions to every rule!
At 5:44am on November 24, 2008, Sylvia Hubbard said…
saying hello to my michigan family

if you want to keep up with other michigan's literary community, join

I'm also a blogger at Michigan Murder & Mayhem.

At 8:20am on July 8, 2008, Yvonne Mason said…
I applaude you in the courage you have to teach alternative school. That takes great character. Get my book Tangled Minds- I think you will relate to it very well.
Also get Stan's Story, A Touch of Love- you will see why I admire your profession. Thank you for being a teacher and for having the courage to go above just teaching.
At 3:07pm on July 5, 2008, Jean Henry Mead said…
Happy to have you as a friend, Clair. We writer wallflowers have to stick together. :-)
At 3:07pm on July 5, 2008, Jean Henry Mead said…
Happy to have you as a friend, Clair. We writer wallflowers have to stick together. :-)
At 1:28pm on June 30, 2008, Clair Dickson said…
Thank you joylene.

I hope you enjoy Bo as much as I do. =)
At 10:02am on May 29, 2008, carole gill said…
I love your little blog--I can so relate to that!
You're okay Clair! Your sense of humor is terrific and if there's one thing that anyone needs in a creative field--it's a sense of humor!

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