Michael S, Cochran
  • Male
  • Yazoo City, MS
  • United States
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Michael S, Cochran's Page

Profile Information

Jackson, Ms.
About Me:
I am a new writer that just published my first book. Sir Bubba. I have been married to my wife for 30 years and have 2 children and 2 grandchildren. I live in Yazoo County way out in the country. You have to drive 3 miles of dirt road to find me. I fell into writing because my wife insisted I write a story that I had in my head. I found I enjoyed writing so much that I'm halfway through my second book and even have a third ready in my head.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer
Books And Authors I Like:
Anything by Greg Iles, The Odd Thomas series by Dean Koontz, Aztec and the Journeyer by Gary Jennings, The Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind, some Steven King, and a lot of history.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Superman Because I think he's out there taking care of business. He just doesn't always wear his cape. Star Trek, Braveheart., Hollow Man, The Replacements, and I'm sure I'll think of more later.

Centeries ago, the Knights of the Round Table swore their loyality as well as the loyality of their descendants' to the crown of England. Six hundred years later, their descendants are being killed off, Bubba, a farmer from the Delta of Mississippi who's never been to England. is one of the last descendants left. He reluctantly serves the Royal Family but after two attempts on his life, he gets serious about his job. One good thing about his misplaced life is meeting Princess Anne. Although they're worlds apart, their lives are about to collide. Follow Sir Bubba in this riveting tale of adventure, murder, and revenge.

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At 11:38am on June 23, 2009, Preetham Grandhi said…
Hi Michael, I wanted to introduce to you my debut novel "A Circle of souls" which is a paranormal, murder, mystery thriller and a tale of justice and hope. Do visit www.acircleofsouls.com to read more about the book. Make sure you sign up to win an autographed copy of the book. Thanks for your time in advance.

Best regards

Preetham Grandhi

Early Endorsements for “A Circle of Souls”

Linda Fairstein, NYT Bestselling Author: "A fascinating debut - this novel takes the reader to the darkest places in the human soul, from a writer with the authenticity to lead us there. A stunning thriller and an important read."

Judge Judy Sheindlin, star of the Judge Judy Show: "The seminal work of this fine author kept me glued to my chair until the adventure was over and the mystery solved. A great read!"

Book Synopsis:

The sleepy town of Newbury, Connecticut, is shocked when a little girl is found brutally murdered. The town s top detective, perplexed by a complete lack of leads, calls in FBI agent Leia Bines, an expert in cases involving children.

Meanwhile, Dr. Peter Gram, a psychiatrist at Newbury s hospital, searches desperately for the cause of seven-year-old Naya Hastings devastating nightmares. Afraid that she might hurt herself in the midst of a torturous episode, Naya s parents have turned to the bright young doctor as their only hope.

The situations confronting Leia and Peter converge when Naya begins drawing chilling images of murder after being bombarded by the disturbing images in her dreams. Amazingly, her sketches are the only clues to the crime that has panicked Newbury residents. Against her better judgment, Leia explores the clues in Naya s crude drawings, only to set off an alarming chain of events.

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