The three characters of my creation I'm best known for--the Outlanders crew, from left to right: Grant, Brigid Baptiste, and Kane.
I've been chronicling their thrillin' adventures since 1996...I guess after all these years and all these books, Outlanders is a firm part of popular culture.
The Outlanders series is one of Gold Eagle's longest-running series and the only one that still has its creator associated with it. I take a certain pride in the many strong female characters I've created over the years...the series is very popular with women readers, believe it or not....guess it has to be to some extent or it wouldn't have lasted so long. This 2000 portrait of the core Outlanders characters was rendered by mega-talented Mike Herring.
(Although they look grim here, in the books they're pretty smart-assy)

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Comment by Mark Ellis on March 19, 2008 at 2:23am
When Outlanders first started, Grant was quite the pretty young man.

Now, eleven years and Godonlyknows how many beatings, concussions, stabbings, gunshot wounds, burns, car and plane crashes later...

He's a bit less photogenic than he was.

(The above list doesn't even take into account the time he had a whale dropped on him.)
Comment by Grant McKenzie on March 19, 2008 at 2:07am
Anyone named Grant has to be a handsome devil ;-)

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