Best-seller in Ireland
“The Darkness of Bones recreates the details of a child sex abuse scandal [Kincora] with shivery vividness.”
BookReviews, Irish Times
“With his new book, The Darkness of Bones, Millar has returned with his best work since On The Brinks. A powerful gem of a story. It will remain with you long after you have put the book down.” BBC
“The Darkness of Bones is a must-read, and not simply because of Millar’s distinctive style of writing, but also this: because it revisits the evil that prevailed in this society in spite – or because of – the terror of the conflict, and gives a voice and an avenging but healing hand for the innocence of children lost to sexual abuse. His talent for writing a riveting, dark and purging tale of unspeakable horror – namely the Kincora scandal - and fashioning it into a fascinating crime drama is nothing short of genius.” Daily Ireland
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