Human bones discovered during the demolition of an abandoned building leads city detective Sam Harper and his partner, Dave Mann, to investigate a 16-year old crime that preceded their careers at the Chandler Police Department.
When it’s established that the bones belong to an infant, Harper pushes to recreate the circumstances that led to the baby’s murder. The suspects called in for questioning panic and their actions spark a chain of events that throws the investigation in a wild and unexpected direction.
While in pursuit of the killer, Harper unearths a cover-up involving top ranking city officials. He agonizes with the thought of ruining his late partner’s reputation by adding him to the list of suspects.
When Harper realizes the police chief and his own police-hero father may also have been involved, the tables turn and the predictable consequences hit close to home.
Harper finds himself in a place where dangerous truths loom and boundaries between pursuer and prey blur. Determined, he knows he must hunt down the killer. Or die trying.
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