Sandra Scoppettone
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  • United States
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  • Keith Spence
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  • Out of the Gutter Magazine
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  • Doug M. Cummings
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Sandra Scoppettone's Page

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Southold, New York
About Me:
Crime writer for years and years.

Sandra Scoppettone's Blog


I'm sick of everyone who says something racist or sexist or behaves badly apologizing for it afterwards and then supposes that makes it all right. When did this start?

We've had Mel Gibson, Russell Crow, Hugh Grant twice, Don Imus and now Alec Baldwin. I know I'm leaving lots of people out. The thing is, I don't care about their apologies.

What I would care about is if writers who've written very bad books would apologize. But they wouldn't dream of it. And if they did it… Continue

Posted on April 29, 2007 at 4:19am — 2 Comments

Computer Hell

I haven't been here because I had computer problems. It went on and on with my provider. Finally I reinstalled Windowsxp. Lost everything, of course. But it still didn't help. I couldn't get on least not on my home page, which meant I couldn't get mail.

So after 6 phone calls, a visit from 4 tech people nothing was fixed. Finally I got a supervisor. She had me try a different way to connect my computer to modem. Well, it took a WOMAN (couldn't resist) to help me. The trouble… Continue

Posted on April 19, 2007 at 1:38pm — 1 Comment

Laura Lippman

As I said in my first post (the one with the big type) I wasn't sure what to post here and didn't know if I should do book reviews. Well, I'm not going to do a book review but I do want to say something about Lippman's new book, WHAT THE DEAD KNOW.

I have not always been a fan of Lippman's writing. I read her first book and I think the second and dismissed her. She will tell you herself that her first five books aren't her best.

I kept reading the raves about her. The winning… Continue

Posted on March 22, 2007 at 3:48am — 3 Comments


This is hard for me because I'm so used to writing about writing on my own blog.

Do I dare write negative things about books I've read? What if I do and that person joins this group? He/she won't want to be my friend. Then what?

So does that mean I can only write positive things about books I've read? Maybe I should leave that subject alone.

How about movies? I'm not good at writing reviews. I can say I liked something or didn't but I'm not sure I…

Posted on March 8, 2007 at 1:24am — 13 Comments

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At 1:15am on November 30, 2009, RONALD FEASEL said…
add me my requests full
At 5:31am on April 27, 2008, carole gill said…
It does help and thanks for that quick reply, so grateful. Yeah I did print out half of the first draft but then stopped (shouldn't have), your method sounds far more sensible. So now I'll start doing it--cause I'm only ten chapters into the second draft. NOW WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT? well, you're the published one! thanks so much, Sandra! appreciate it.
At 9:33pm on April 26, 2008, carole gill said…
Hi Sandra, I happened to read a reply you made in a discussion about revision. I'm into my second draft and I was wondering--I make careful notes in order to avoid huge holes, but I find that I can't really know what I'm doing without periodic printouts of the damned thing as I go along. What's your advice about that? about a second draft--which is the draft I'm going to stick with--should I print out periodically? thanks in advance--
At 2:33am on April 25, 2008, L.J. Sellers said…
Hi Sandra
Writers apologizing for writing a bad book ... what an interesting idea. I think it's the publishers that ought to apologize. They know better. Often, the writer is unaware.
At 4:46pm on November 20, 2007, Janet McClellan said…
So good to see you here... I have read five of your books and brought two of them with me to Alaska.. thank you for the entertainment you have shared with us.
At 6:56am on October 26, 2007, Patty G. Henderson said…
Well, you know I have a button that I wear on my chest proudly proclaiming: "I'm a Sandra Scoppettone groupie!"

In reading a bit of your web blog, I must share my love for the short story. Lately, I find myself casting a flirting eye toward short stories and anthology submissions than to working on my novel. I wonder what the hell that means?? LOL.
At 9:05am on October 25, 2007, Patty G. Henderson said…

It's been so long....

I learned better dialogue from you. What an inspiration your books have been. Thank you.
At 6:03am on October 25, 2007, ruth said…
I am relieved to note the paralysis is not physical. Big Boo to Virago, who have deprived readers of your work.

This is clearly a place to find inspiration and, for those of us who are readers, potential access to new authors - judging by the numbers here.

I will track down the book (anthology) that you mention when it appears and get hold of a copy.

I thank you for taking the time to reply to my comments/questions, time is a valuable commodity not much appreciated these days - but I do.
At 4:33am on October 25, 2007, ruth said…
Yes, you are a writer and a fine one - but, yes, the publishing world has changed. I might have been "out of the loop" for reasons of personal endeavour, for the last, hm, 5 or 6 years, I have kind of figured out the changes.

Publishing houses come and go, particularly if they are not mainstream conglomerates. Trusted old ones appear to suddenly drop off planet earth and with their demise go a number of terrific authors.

I am also aware that attitudes change - surprisingly, this happens/ed/ing in US. There are ever wider markets now, due to global community that we are all becoming/partaking in - and that means a wider audience.

I joined this site attempting to track down an old favourite, "disappeared" author, I was pleased to find not one, but two - I can maybe die happy now :-).

However, you should be aware, that while USA might appear to be "going backwards" - Europe is certainly going forwards in leaps and bounds - there is a market out there - even if it is on foreign soil.

I am sincerely hoping that your use of the word paralysed, isn't a physical reality.
At 1:48am on October 25, 2007, ruth said…
Thanks for your return comments although they rather depressed me. I find it hard to believe, that after the success of the LL books, that no-one wanted to publish them - they had terrific storylines with inbuilt humour and that is not easy to pull off successfully.

The fact that you are not, currently writing, is sad. There are many authors, who write poor books, but few authors who write good ones - we can't afford to lose the good ones. I just wonder what would persuade you to go back to writing...

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