June 2007 Blog Posts (236)

House For Sale? By Morgan Mandel

My new blog today at http://acmeauthorslink.blogspot.com deals with the similarities between fixing up and selling houses and doing the same with manuscripts.

Morgan Mandel

Added by Morgan Mandel on June 7, 2007 at 9:11am — No Comments

Book turned in!!! Also, visit Writers Plot -- A Blooming Good Blog

I recently joined with several fellow authors--thank God someone invited me as I was beginning to feel a little like I had leprosy--on a blog we call Writers Plot: www.writersplot.typepad.com Recent self-serving posts of mine include such titles as There is No Off-Switch on the Crying Machine and Um, Officer ... I Swear I Didn't Do Anything. It's just the fun and the sometimes sad and lonely thoughts of a way-too-sensitive writer.



Added by Leann Sweeney on June 7, 2007 at 9:01am — No Comments

Moniack Mhor Crime Writing Course April 2007

Moniack Mhor was a fabulous place to spend Easter Monday! From April 9th to April 14th 2007 I attended a stimulating course on

Crimewriting, hosted by eminent British crime fiction authors Andrew


Added by WhereDunnit on June 7, 2007 at 5:11am — 2 Comments


If you live in a small town, you'll know what I'm talking about.

As you're driving, you see another vehicle and as you pass each other, you wave. (The left hand, two-finger wave, is my personal favorite).

I now live in a suburban community where, though not as frequently as in rural communities, you still see motorists wave or recognize other motorists. I…


Added by James Roberts on June 7, 2007 at 4:46am — 3 Comments

Hill, Suzette A. - A LOAD OF OLD BONES

A LOAD OF OLD BONES (Untraditional mystery- 3 POV- England-1950s) - VG

Hill, Suzette A. – 1st…


Added by LJ Roberts on June 7, 2007 at 4:30am — No Comments

Secretarial City and anniversary cakes

Madness in the office today – though a kind of organised, fairly contained madness, which was nice. I do so love it when there’s a secretarial panic on – it makes it all worthwhile. Anyway, I rushed around in a fairly logical way organising a meeting for tomorrow with the Guildford School of Acting, who want to come in to talk about our Freshers’ Week DVD script ideas. This meant throwing myself on the mercy of the adorable Helen from Catering – where would I be without her? – who rushed…


Added by Anne Brooke on June 7, 2007 at 4:00am — No Comments

Baby Shark's Beaumont Blues by Robert Fate - Review

"While not breaking any barriers of originality its fast pace, action packed sequences and ultimately likeable characters come together to form a well told and enjoyable tale. When young Kristin Van Dijk and

her irascible good ol' boy partner Otis take on the case of a missing heiress to

an oil fortune little do they know that the lies, double crosses and bodies are

going to…

Added by BrianLindenmuth on June 7, 2007 at 2:30am — No Comments

What's New

Stop by my What's New page to read the latest news.

This month I talk about my trip to NY for Backspace Writer's Conference and Book Expo America; some great news for CAPTAIN AMERICA fans, film options for ASSUMED IDENTITY and CREEPERS and finally some Rambo IV News.


Added by David Morrell on June 7, 2007 at 12:39am — No Comments

Word Nerd chats with Lesley Kagen

Lesley Kagen, author of "Whistling in the Dark" is in Word Nerd's hot seat this week.

Check it out here.

Added by Bethany K. Warner on June 7, 2007 at 12:32am — No Comments

Pod People

I wasn't sure what belonged in a podcast, but I got hooked on writing flash fiction about my detective, Hannibal Jones, so I decided to voice them as an introduction to both my writing and the character. Now that we have audio on Crimespace, and since Hannibal doesn't have a theme song yet, I've posted a podcast. Take 10 minutes to listen in, and let me know if you think it's cool or crummy, neat or nuts.

Added by Austin S. Camacho on June 6, 2007 at 11:32pm — No Comments

Short stories....

Over at Criminal Brief, the question has been raised as to why so many seem to avoid the short story. The argument is made (I hope to get it right) that working in the short story form helps a writer focus on what is important. Many student writers (a lot is directed at student writers, I think) want to work on novels.

In the comments, I mention that it is not cost efficient for anyone who can sell a novel to spend the time writing short…


Added by Steven Torres on June 6, 2007 at 3:42pm — 1 Comment

Why are receipts so long?

My wallet is only so big and I end up with more receipts in it than bills.

Do stores really think that I will set and read them in a spare moment. If it's cash it goes in the trash. Hey that rhymed.

Added by Chris Redding on June 6, 2007 at 10:09am — No Comments


LOOKING GOOD DEAD (Police Procedural-Roy Grace-England-Cont) – VG

James, Peter – 2nd in series

Macmillan, 2006, UK Hardcover – ISBN: 9781405054973

First Sentence: The front door of the one-proud terraced house opened, and a long-legged young woman, in a short silk…

Added by LJ Roberts on June 6, 2007 at 4:30am — No Comments

Birds, postmen and Guildford Writers

Forgot to say (or perhaps I’m too ashamed to confess it), but Lord H and I bought a birdsong CD at the end of last week’s holiday, so we could wow our friends with our amazing ability to distinguish a woodpecker from a sparrow. However, there are 99 tracks on it, plus a booklet (which unfortunately doesn’t include pictures of said birds, which might have been more useful), and we’re so far only up to track 12. Well, there’s only so much constant tweeting you can take really. But I do think I…


Added by Anne Brooke on June 6, 2007 at 3:55am — No Comments

Duane Swierczynski Interview

I recently finished my
interview with Duane Swierczynski. It can be found here.

Added by BrianLindenmuth on June 6, 2007 at 2:30am — No Comments

The first of many. Maybe.

Every time I go to my own page here, I'm nagged reminded to make a blog entry. People who know me won't believe this but I struggle to think of things to put on my blog. However, I'll do my best.

For anyone who's interested, I have another blog - just personal ramblings really - over here. If you plan on visiting, now is probably the best time as I'm giving away one of my books.

As I moan a lot on my main blog,… Continue

Added by Shirley Wells on June 6, 2007 at 2:18am — 1 Comment

EBMRG - 5 June 2007 Meeting Recap


5th June 2007 - Meeting Recap

Corona, Linda and I met tonight and had a small, but spirited, discussion:…


Added by LJ Roberts on June 6, 2007 at 1:30am — No Comments

Excuses, Excuses

I haven't written a word on my novel in nearly four weeks. Oh, I've thought about said novel. I've written down twists and places that need reformatting. But I have yet to tackle the dreaded scene that haunts me.

I got hung up on POV based on some comments from a critique group. Now, all I can see is POV. I can no longer see the story.

Then, I started a new job. I work weird hours, but the character generation potential is awesome. I broke a tooth, and I mourn the loss of Cape…


Added by Angela Wilson on June 6, 2007 at 1:27am — 1 Comment

I live in a tough little town ...

I recently turned 53 and because I'm around so many females at work and home, I thought I'd do something manly to recognize by advancing years.

So I joined a local gun club, took my .44-Magnum revolver, and went shooting.

(Important note: When you ask ammunition clerks at the local Wal-Mart for hollow point .44-Magnum rounds, expect startled looks.)

So that birthday weekend I shot guns. I smoked cigars. I drank beer and…


Added by James Roberts on June 6, 2007 at 1:01am — 1 Comment

Gnome Place Like Home

Posted by Lorraine Bartlett

One of my newest friends on MySpace is the Roaming Gnome of Travelocity fame. Since I don't watch a lot of TV, I follow his exploits in USA Today. Yesterday, for instance, he was buried in the sand with a crab nearby. (I sometimes think that little guy gets more life experience than me!)

He's not my only gnome pal. I share my yard with three of them. They all came from the…


Added by Writers Plot on June 5, 2007 at 10:30pm — No Comments

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