June 2007 Blog Posts (236)

Writers wanted!

Not for me, although I'm always interested in discovering new writers. Chris Roerden, author of the Agatha Award winning nonfiction book, Don't Murder Your Mystery, is looking for writers. The next edition of her book will be an all-genre edition called Don't Sabotage Your Submissions. She's looking for writers of novels or short stories in any genre to share their best examples of writing techniques.

Details are available at:…


Added by Lesa Holstine on June 19, 2007 at 8:28am — No Comments


I'm writing my first novel. Most of you have completed several, but I am going to ask you to throw your mind back to that first one and wondering if you could ever finish it. I've neve had faith that I could finish this book. In fact, that's actually been one of my biggest obstacles to finishing. Kind of like punching yourself in the crotch.

This weekend however, for the first time ever, I came to believe I might actually finish this…

Added by Michael C. Jacobs on June 19, 2007 at 7:27am — 5 Comments

Anger management and a big welcome to The Gawain Quest

Woke up feeling really tense and bad-tempered today. Must be the after-effects of having such a nice weekend. Mind you, I’m still cheered by the fact that Lord H rescued me from a bathroom spider last night – he wrapped it in kitchen towel, squashed it and then placed the kitchen towel plus dead spider on the floor. When I asked him why he didn’t just put it in the bin, his answer was that we still needed to have the fun of jumping up and down on the darn thing, whilst yelling. Which we duly…


Added by Anne Brooke on June 19, 2007 at 5:21am — No Comments

How goes the new book?

Well, Jeffrey, you were crazy enough to ask. So ...

Just over two weeks ago, I headed off to what was supposed to be a writer's paradise in the South of France, just north of Nice ... a beautiful villa, with a pool, for free. How much better could it get?

But you know what they say about the non-existence of free lunches? Well, there was just one catch ... the builders had not actually left the property. So they were banging, crashing, drilling, cutting tiles - bedlam! And… Continue

Added by Tom Cain on June 19, 2007 at 5:05am — No Comments

What’s In a Name?

How do you choose your books? My guess would be that if you aren’t buying them on the instructions of a reading list the title probably plays a major role in the choice you make.…


Added by Adam Colclough on June 19, 2007 at 2:37am — No Comments

Gimme Shelta

I consider myself a well-educated person, with a solid liberal arts education. And over the course of my education I've learned multiple languages: French (starting, officially, in third grade); Spanish (one year in middle school); Latin (one year in high school); German (two years in college); and most recently, Irish (three years and counting). So I thought I knew about languages.

I was wrong.

Recently a friend e-mailed me about a book she was enjoying, and asked some…


Added by Writers Plot on June 19, 2007 at 1:52am — No Comments


By Guest Blogger Charles Benoit

We’ve been promising ourselves to give it a try and after years of chickening out, my wife and I finally decided to jump in and just do it. Rose admits to nodding off now and then and at times I found it a bit like flogging a dead horse, but overall it’s been fun and, for me at least, highly educational. I highly recommend you give it a try. Start at the beginning, do a little bit each day and before your know it you’ll be totally into…


Added by Writers Plot on June 19, 2007 at 1:50am — No Comments

If they bring the books, I'll bring the sales

Waldenbooks in Landmark Mall provided a most interesting signing experience yesterday. Somehow the manager had forgotten to order more books for the signing, so I was left with only 14 copies of my books, spread over 5 titles. When all but one sold during the signing they promised to order more for a return visit on the 4th of July.

Meanwhile, if you haven't been to my web site lately you might not realize that Hannibal has blogged on a political issue and the latest podcast features… Continue

Added by Austin S. Camacho on June 18, 2007 at 11:23pm — No Comments

Ah, How Times Change

A while ago, a friend sent me an extract from a 1960s Home Economics Textbook about what to do when hubby comes home from work. All the men I showed it to looked wistful, all the women just laughed. So I updated it for the 21st century, so here's the original and my updated version.


Have dinner ready. Plan ahead, even the night before, to have a delicious meal ready on time for his return home from work. This is a way of letting him know that you have been… Continue

Added by Donna Moore on June 18, 2007 at 10:53pm — 1 Comment

What do You Do When you're not reading

Well I don't know about anybody else, but it seems we play with dogs.

We've just welcomed our second Australian Terrier to the fold - Jedda is 8 weeks old, she's got a temper, she's destroyed one toy already (and she only arrived on Saturday night) and she's gorgeous.

It's just a bit of a pity that the other Australian Terrier thinks she's the devil incarnate - but hopefully.....

Anyway, I'll post some baby photos here :)

Added by Karen from AustCrime on June 18, 2007 at 10:40pm — 1 Comment

I used to be good at this internet stuff . . .

...But I fear I am have reached my technology threshold. Messages I thought I snet... were never received. Things I thought I posted haven't appeared. Is it me or this system? (I fear I know the answer.)

Added by sparkle hayter on June 18, 2007 at 6:47pm — No Comments

Reality vs. Temperance

My friend and yours, Jack Bludis, said this:

"I don't think 'reality' necessarily lends to make a book *seem* more authentic. It may just make it less readable."

Bloody brilliant, innit?

The occasion was a discussion about profanity in books, specifically hard boiled and 'noir' books, going on over on the DorothyL list. Some writers think that if a character would use the f-word in every sentence, then they have a responsibility to faithfully record…


Added by Jennie Bentley/Bente Gallagher on June 18, 2007 at 6:16am — 2 Comments

Feathers and fathers

Happy Fathers' Day to all fathers out there, first off. I managed to remember to send my stepfather the chocolates he's allowed to eat (ie the ones Mother doesn't eat first ...), so I am a Good Stepdaughter today, hurrah! Mum is apparently taking him out for an airing, which includes a concert and some tea, today, so we took bets on how long it will be before he grumbles about something. My money's on the first half hour. Lord H however says that we misjudge the man - and in fact all it is…


Added by Anne Brooke on June 18, 2007 at 4:36am — No Comments


Did this already happen to you ? To forget about a text you wrote ? I get back some papers in a box, and read them last night... and I found few lines, the begining of a story... and I don't know when I had this idea... this could become a detective story, the mood is here... I will tell you if I go on this way, it would be a first time for me, so I could need your help ;)

Added by Tiffany on June 18, 2007 at 3:56am — No Comments

Review Books

It seems like every book I've picked up to review has been a good one. And when I like an author I tend to buy the other books that author has written so I have a lot of new books coming in.

I am reading Innocence by David Hosp and really enjoying it. Just finished Joe Hill's Heart Shaped Box. Another good one. I have Betrayed but haven't read it so that will be next on my list.

Really enjoyed Donis Casey's The Old Buzzard Had It Coming. I love the title. I bought Hornswoggled…


Added by HappyRuby on June 18, 2007 at 12:33am — No Comments

Library Thing

Have you checked out Library Thing yet? It's at www.librarything.com.

It's fascinating. I spent last night and this morning putting up most of the books I've read this year. It's a way to catalog your personal library or keep track of books you've read. It's also the hot social network out there for people who like to read. You can contact other people who read the same books you do, and find out what else they like.

I… Continue

Added by Lesa Holstine on June 17, 2007 at 7:34am — 2 Comments

Facebook, golf and time travel

Am feeling very modern today - have finally set up an account on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com) last night, so have at last entered the modern world. Mind you, I don't have many friends on it yet - 3 so far to be precise - so if anyone out there is on Facebook and prepared to take pity on me, please do. I'd be very grateful.

Meant to be very literary this morning, but have done sod all - sorry. Might do some…


Added by Anne Brooke on June 17, 2007 at 6:26am — No Comments

Abrahams, Peter - DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE

DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE (Amateur Sleuth-Ingrid Levin-Hill-Echo Falls-Cont) – VG

Abrahams, Peter – 1st of series

HarperTrophy, 2005, US Paperback – ISBN: 9780060737030

First Sentence: Ingrid Levin-Hill, three weeks past her thirteenth birthday, sat thinking in her…

Added by LJ Roberts on June 17, 2007 at 4:30am — No Comments

Bronx Noir

Got my contributor copies of the long awaited Bronx Noir. Never been anthologized before. Hope this is the first of many. Can't help but think that the book is a wonderful book. Stories by Ed Dee, SJ Rozan, and Lawrence Block are in there alongside of mine. I'm honored of course. Also can't wait to dig in. Would it be unethical of me to review other people's short stories over at …

Added by Steven Torres on June 16, 2007 at 2:00pm — No Comments

What I know . . .

by Pari Noskin Taichert

An idea is precious, more valuable than gold.

But if forced, new quickly descends into old.

The most brilliant spark can lose its glow

When edited too much, when pushed where it doesn't want to flow.

Work each day, sit at the computer.

Grab and observe like an emotional looter.

Characters demand their stories be told.

The writer transforms into mother,…


Added by Pari Noskin Taichert on June 16, 2007 at 7:43am — No Comments

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