Sheila English's Blog – April 2009 Archive (6)

Douglas Clegg talks about his upcoming book, and what secret power he wishes he had

Catching up with bestselling author Douglas Clegg, Reader's Entertainment finds out about Isis, ereaders and what Douglas has been up to on Facebook lately.

Question: Using the Twitter method of answer (140 characters or less) tell us about the type of books you write.

I write stories about people up against extraordinary or irrational circumstances. My books have been categorized as horror, suspense or fantasy fiction, depending on the… Continue

Added by Sheila English on April 16, 2009 at 2:30am — No Comments

Elvis, Literacy and Advice for Aspiring Writers: An Interview with Deborah LeBlanc

Reader's Entertainment caught up with author Deborah LeBlanc while she was on the road and somehow convinced her to answer our "interesting" questions. lol

Thank you Deborah for finding the time to chat with us! Let's go right to the Q&A!

Question: Who are in your top 10 spaces on MySpace?


I have MySpace set on random top friends, so today my top 10 are:

1. Stephen


2. Dean Koontz

3. Lorrie Jones


Added by Sheila English on April 14, 2009 at 2:00am — No Comments

Spying On A Thriller Writer: An Interview with Haggai Carmon

Reader's Entertainment caught up with espionage/thriller writer Haggai Carmon this week to talk about his new release, Chameleon Conspiracy and find out more about what makes this series, and this author, unique.

Question: Using the Twitter method of answering (140 characters or less) tell us what makes your series different from others of the same genre?

They’re different because I’m an insider. My thrillers are partially based on the real adventures I had while… Continue

Added by Sheila English on April 12, 2009 at 2:00am — No Comments

Strange Ways To Kill and Other Juicey Tidbits: An Interview with M.J. Rose

Reader’s Entertainment joins bestselling author M.J. Rose to talk about raising the dead, strange ways to kill and what book she wish she’d written!

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Question: Using the Twitter method of answering (140 characters or less) tell us what kind of

books you write.

M J Rose- I hope I’m writing good books that people can’t put down and

that leave them satisfied, thinking and wanting more.

.. ..

Question: What is the strangest… Continue

Added by Sheila English on April 11, 2009 at 2:27am — No Comments

Interview with bestselling author James Rollins

Sometimes the mystery is in the writer himself. Those dark scenes of murder and mayhem, clever villains and the heroes we love, all come from the same place. Inside the author's imagination.

We caught up with bestselling author James Rollins and put him to the test! We wanted to know how online-savvy he was and just how much he'd let us get away with asking.

So please join us in meeting James Rollins with this unique interview done by Reader's Entertainment… Continue

Added by Sheila English on April 3, 2009 at 1:06am — No Comments

International Thriller Writers Oganization and Free Promo/Publicity

Recently I became the chair of the ITW Social Networking committee. If you are a member of ITW please contact me! I want to make sure we connect and that I keep you in the loop for opportunities that come up!
I am doing interviews right now.

I will post a few of the interviews so you get an idea of my style.



Added by Sheila English on April 3, 2009 at 12:49am — 5 Comments

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