Karyne's Blog (8)

The Seduction of Creation

Words kiss the page like eager lovers. Scenes slip as easily from your mind as silk stockings from a courtesan. Characters whisper clever and crafty dialogue in your ear as you sleep.

Ah, the delicious satisfaction of having a book in creation. When anything is possible and rejection seems as distant as economic recovery.

The truth is that all those writers out there holding onto that great American novel,…


Added by Karyne on December 1, 2010 at 3:34am — 1 Comment

I'm not crazy, I'm a writer...

When I was little I used to talk to myself. I worried why everyone else didn’t. Was I crazy? Or worse yet, was I destined for politics?…


Added by Karyne on February 12, 2010 at 7:51am — 3 Comments

It takes a whole village to raise an author

Writers tend to be solitary creatures. After all, no one is going to write our stories for us. So we huddle in the caves of our creativity, emerging for chocolate, coffee and whatever poison that helps us get through the sticky scenes, character revolts and plot puddles. This time spent alone can make us think only of ourselves all the time.

The truth is, we can do more together than we can alone. Writers united can be a powerful force in a world of publishing obstacle and… Continue

Added by Karyne on September 2, 2009 at 11:07am — 3 Comments

Whats in a name?

I have great friends, loyal supportive and very smart. Why else would they be friends with me? We’ve been through men, (thankfully not the same ones), divorces, childbirth, first loves and last kisses.

In all the years I’ve known them, twenty plus for some, I rarely mentioned my writing. If I did, it was only as an offhand remark and I usually mumbled about working on “something’.

Remarkably they formed the opinion from such minimal information that I could actually write… Continue

Added by Karyne on April 28, 2009 at 11:00am — No Comments

Mommy, I Don't Want to be a Writer Today

Writers are masochinistic. It’s a fact. We have picked, hopefully through love and passion, a lonely job that means long hours banging our heads against keyboards and computers in order to finish a scene, get an idea, come up with an ending. We miss important events, parties, even bathroom breaks if necessary. We might work for years and never get the recognition we crave. Let alone get published. Still, if the love is there, you plug on ahead and hope fervently that this will all pay… Continue

Added by Karyne on April 2, 2009 at 6:35am — No Comments

Ah the sweet smell of rejection..

Blog date- October 14, 2008

Know thyself is an old but extremely accurate proverb. As a writer it’s critical to know the length and breadth of your talent and skill. Because the world is going to knock them every chance they get.

I learned, the hard way, to have a realistic evaluation of my own talent. It doesn’t mean I think I’m headed for the New York Times book review any time soon but I know my own worth. So when a horror ezine, remaining nameless of course,… Continue

Added by Karyne on March 5, 2009 at 7:02am — 1 Comment

If you wrote what I knew

Urban legends have a way of being created out of fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of the dark, or just plain fear. The trouble is, they tend to take on a life of their own and travel from myth to accepted fact without ever having the necessary substantiation.

Such is the case with my favorite urban legend. One that freezes any writer in their tracks, prevents all creativity and in the end, stalls them almost indefinitely.

Only write what you know. (underlined AND in… Continue

Added by Karyne on February 23, 2009 at 1:35am — 3 Comments

In my other life I’m a writer

One thing I have learned is that there are plenty of people who call themselves writers, but only talk about writing. There are equally as many who are hesitant to give themselves that title unless they currently have a bestseller.

So that begs the question, which one of these categories do I fall into? And why in the world do I think I should be on here, blogging merrily away, as if I know what I’m talking about?

I was a talker, who dreamed big and did little to get my dreams… Continue

Added by Karyne on February 16, 2009 at 2:36am — 3 Comments

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