Jeffrey J. Mariotte's Blog (11)

Sunday, February 8 is the official publication date for my new thriller Empty Rooms. I've been trying to keep everybody posted on all the activity surrounding the release, but in case this is your fi…

Sunday, February 8 is the official publication date for my new thriller Empty Rooms. I've been trying to keep everybody posted on all the activity surrounding the release, but in case this is your first visit to the blog, here are the details.

Empty Rooms

Jeffrey J. Mariotte

A Krebbs and Robey Casefiles Novel

Richie Krebbs is an ex-cop, a walking encyclopedia of crime and criminals who chafes at bureaucracy. Frank…


Added by Jeffrey J. Mariotte on February 8, 2015 at 5:53am — No Comments

EMPTY ROOMS is here!

Nothing but 5-star reviews for Empty Rooms (the first book in the Krebbs and Robey Casefiles--get in on the ground floor), and praise from giants of thriller writing!

Michael Connelly said, "Empty Rooms is a searing, no-holds barred journey into darkness. Jeffrey J. Mariotte knows the key is character, character, character and has delivered a story about men who relentlessly work the case at the same time the case works them. I was pulled in from the start on this one and it…


Added by Jeffrey J. Mariotte on January 18, 2015 at 11:05am — No Comments

The Border Trilogy, Reissued

There are a few moments in a writer's life that stand out as landmarks. Holding that first published book in your hands is one of them. The first check is nice, too. Then as each successive book is published, getting it and turning it around, looking at the binding, examining the cover--these are all special, wonderful experiences. Something that you wrote, someone else cared enough about to edit and publish and now it's not just an idea but a thing, solid and real. The joy that accompanies…


Added by Jeffrey J. Mariotte on February 17, 2013 at 3:05am — No Comments


My new supernatural thriller Season of the Wolf launches on February 26, 2013 (published by DarkFuse), and it's already picked up a couple of rave reviews.

"Season of the Wolf is full of twists that will surprise readers time and time again. With his rich use of description, Mariotte has created a story which will grab the attention of readers and will have them…


Added by Jeffrey J. Mariotte on December 10, 2012 at 5:11am — No Comments

Los Angeles Times Festival of Books

Next weekend is the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books, which I used to regularly attend before moving to Arizona made it somewhat more difficult.

But I will be there this year, and not one but TWO new books will make their debuts there. My thriller The Devil's Bait, originally available only as an e-book, will make its print…


Added by Jeffrey J. Mariotte on April 14, 2012 at 1:30am — No Comments

Another DEVIL'S BAIT Rave

Thriller THE DEVIL'S BAIT just keeps scooping up rave reviews. The latest, at WebbWeaver ( says, in part:

"The action is fast-paced with many twists and turns and Mariotte has obviously done much research on the intricacies of banking transactions.

"The Devil’s Bait is an intriguing tale with loads of action and well written characters and I’m giving it 41/2 spiders."

Added by Jeffrey J. Mariotte on March 31, 2012 at 5:08am — No Comments

Short Story Love

I'm primarily known (where I'm known at all) as a novelist and as a comic book/graphic novel writer. I haven't published a whole lot of short fiction, partly because I haven't pursued that area, and partly because when I do get story ideas, they tend to be big, sprawling ones. Novels, in other words.

But lately I've been the recipient of various bits of happy news on different short stories.

At the invitation of a producer for Tucson's NPR radio station, KUAZ, I wrote a…


Added by Jeffrey J. Mariotte on December 25, 2011 at 5:26am — No Comments

The Devil's Bait

I've been slow to embrace the e-book.

Since 1980, I haven't had a job that hasn't revolved around books--printed books--and publishing and writing and words. I've worked in just about every aspect of those fields, and I'm admittedly biased toward books printed on paper.

But the world is changing fast. Bookstores (including…


Added by Jeffrey J. Mariotte on July 3, 2011 at 9:50am — No Comments

The Phantom

I've loved Lee Falk's character The Phantom since I was a little kid reading him in the comic strips. I used to clip those strips and keep them in a scrapbook, so I could read them as a long comic story instead of in daily bites.

So when I was asked to contribute a Phantom short story to the just-released anthology The Phantom Chronicles, Volume 2, I jumped at the chance. To tell a little… Continue

Added by Jeffrey J. Mariotte on May 15, 2010 at 6:28am — No Comments

CSI: Brass in Pocket nominated for a Scribe

Last year's CSI novel, CSI: Brass in Pocket, has been nominated for a Scribe Award by the International Association of Media Tie-in Writers. Here's the full list of nominees. The winners will be announced in July at the San Diego Comic-Con.

Added by Jeffrey J. Mariotte on March 27, 2010 at 3:58am — 2 Comments

Carnival Summer--my E-xperimental book

I have a new book out, except it's a "book" only in the digital sense--my first (and last?) original e-book novel, called Carnival Summer

Recently I’ve found myself, in a variety of places both online and in “real” life,…


Added by Jeffrey J. Mariotte on March 27, 2010 at 3:30am — 1 Comment

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