Peg Herring's Blog – June 2009 Archive (22)

Giving Up the Baby

I've heard authors much more famous than I am say it: giving a manuscript to someone else to read is like sending your kid off to her first day of school. It feels like everything you've done for years has come to a climax, and you never feel like you've done enough.

A fellow writer told me yesterday that she's got a three book series with one due to the publisher every nine months. I wonder how I would handle that, since I (at least in my own opinion) need more time than that to… Continue

Added by Peg Herring on June 2, 2009 at 9:58pm — 2 Comments

Talking to Myself

The difference it makes is amazing. I've spent the last few days reading the current WIP aloud, and hearing it is better than reading it. Not better as in "This is so good." Better as in, "That sounds fake," or "This whole passage doesn't fit in this spot." So it actually makes more work, but it's productive work. I can deal.

Years ago, when I first started writing for public consumption, it was plays. I wrote for my students' dramatic productions because we couldn't find enough… Continue

Added by Peg Herring on June 1, 2009 at 9:16pm — 2 Comments

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