I know it isn't actually quite the day yet -- though 'tis the season -- but I wanted to sneak in and wish everyone a wonderful holiday, before things get crazy and everyone is too busy eating and ripping open presents to admire these two characters.

The reindeer on the right is my canine companion Jett (not really a reindeer, at all). And on the left is her good friend Sara. They don't usually have horns (OK: I'll admit it) but are from a photo illustration by my wonderfully talented partner, David Middleton who blows me away all the time by emerging from his studio with magical things like this. (You should see my birthday cards!)

I also wanted to let you know that, though it was a long time coming, the feature compiling January Magazine’s selections for Best Books of 2007 is finally complete. My own picks are in all categories.

Enjoy a wonderful Festivus and a delicious New Year!

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