I don't know if this has been mentioned here before as I've been away over Christmas and New Year - but what the hell it's so good it deserves to be mentioned again if it has!

In a number of blogs recently (including one from Angela Savage, which I've now added to News and Views on AustCrimeFiction incidentally) mention was recently made of Lindy Cameron's great initiative - GENRE FLASH.

Basically this is a small, simple but elegant pdf catalogue of any genre fiction or related SinC books, that have been published by Sisters in Crime members - or their Australian women writer friends - in the past 2 years.

It's so darn good - I hope Lindy and the Sisters won't mind - but I've snaffled a copy and you can now download it from http://www.austcrimefiction.org as well - you'll see the link on the top right hand side of the site.

Have a look as this is one of the best summaries of local crime fiction that's been around for a long time.

Views: 13


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Comment by Karen from AustCrime on January 7, 2008 at 11:08am
It's strange isn't it - when so many of us started off reading crime fiction - Trixie Belden, Famous Five, Secret Seven, and onto Christie and so on as soon as we were old enough to get our hands on those books.....
Comment by Hazel Edwards on January 7, 2008 at 11:03am
I'm in the process of adding a Crime section to my website and will put links to the crime organisations. But I'm also conscious of the 'brand' name dilemma mentioned in the Crimespace forum on children's books and may go with my earlier collaborative crime pseudonym of A.K.Aye
It's a fine line between adult psychological but non violent short crime and mysteries for YA.
Comment by Karen from AustCrime on January 7, 2008 at 10:57am
Excellent - thanks Hazel (I promise I'll also catch up your entry on AustCrime :) )
Comment by Hazel Edwards on January 7, 2008 at 10:56am
Hi karen,

Outback Ferals is an ex-Lothian now Hachette title, just published as they took over Lothian and in most bookshops PLUS Aust Bookshop online(link on my website) .ISBN: 0734409355 &
can also be ordered via Alliance Distribution Services (ADS) Customer Service on (02) 4390 1300.

Thanks for your support.
Comment by Karen from AustCrime on January 7, 2008 at 10:32am
Hazel - I agree - incidentally you don't happen to know which shops are carrying your book at the moment do you - I had a quick look for it this morning but I'd really like to buy a copy.
Comment by Hazel Edwards on January 7, 2008 at 1:59am
Agree that the Genre Flash is a brilliant PR idea and I;ve found some new Australian books and authors via it.Also admit my bias, as the compiler Lindy Cameron is a member of Sisters in Crime and I have a YA mystery 'Outback ferals' included.

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