Yesterday I wrote about computers and how they make writing easier for everyone. At the same time, putting fingers to keyboard or pen to paper is never easy: it's hard to actually begin that novel, sustain that novel, and finish that novel.
When people hear I'm an author, they often say, "I've always wanted to write a book." Some have one started; some just have an idea. But somehow it never gets going. What is it that makes some people want, even need, to finish a project while others just go on dreaming about that Someday when they'll get inspired and write it down?
I don't know. For me, there is no rest from a story until I write it, no forgetting those characters talking in my head. But for many, it's put off for a time when they have more leisure, more focus, less distraction. I don't speak for everyone, but my guess is that if you're waiting for a convenient time to write that novel, you're deluding yourself. The time is now.
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