This week's bad news is that I didn't get to the Love Is Murder writer's convention. United cancelled all its flights to Chicago Friday. I tried to get around this by booking a flight on US Air through Philadelphia. That was fine except for the through part. The result was a chance to spend the entire day in the Philadelphia airport watching my flight get delayed twice and finally cancelled. I did NOT want to spend the night in Philly, fine town that it is, so at 6:30 pm I turned tail and flew back home. I hated to miss the party intended to kick off my writing year, but you can't argue with Mother Nature. I hope those that DID make it had a great time.
However, there is good news. We got our computer back with all the data preserved, which means my lovely wife Denise can update my web site. This is good because I got a very nice comment from a ready that I wanted to share. More on that later.

The other good news is that the big blogging day for Patry Francis - - was a huge success. Patry's novel, "THE LIAR'S DIARY" was released on January 29th but cancer surgery made her too weak to go on a promotional tour. So instead, more than 400 bloggers, including bestsellers, Emmy winners, movie makers, and publishing houses all talked about the book that day. I was proud to blog for a good book, AND a good cause, all at once.

The unintended consequence of this was that my name got spread all over the internet. It never occurred to me that people would list all the writers participating in the blog day. But there I am, through alphabetical luck sitting between Ken Bruen and Lee Child on the Lusty Lady's blog - LUSTY LADY - - The Writers' Block - - Susan Henderson's Litpark - - and Robin Slick's In Her Own Write - - to name a few. All these blogs are well worth checking out, after you get Patry's book of course

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