I finally got my author copies, and I must admit the book looks good--if I do say so myself. But I walked into my local Barnes and Noble and was disappointed not to find it. So I'm calling on you folks. Do me a favor and let me know if you spot it.

By the way, we got our first review from APOOO (at least the first review I've seen) Here's how Sharel Love starts her 5-star review:

Soldier Boys is a wonderful book of short stories that pays great tribute to our servicemen, and lightens the heart with a story of romance and love.

And it only gets better from there. If you spot a review, please send it to Black Scarab Promotions. If you would like a copy of the book to review--and that includes blog reviewers--please e-mail D at Black Scarab Promotions with review copy in the subject line.

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Comment by Dee Savoy on July 13, 2008 at 12:24pm
Thanks so much Joylene. I really appreciate it. I'll keep your son in my prayers and hop for his safe return.

All the best,

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