Author J D Rhoades guest blogs on the topic of Marketing vs. Connecting

How often have you been invited to sit down with a published author and asked your opinion about anything?

Here's your chance, your invitation to chat with this week's MURDER BY 4 guest blogger J.D. Rhoades, author of BREAKING COVER, published in July 2008 by St. Martin's/Minotaur, and the Jack Keller series of thriller novels: THE DEVIL'S RIGHT HAND, GOOD DAY IN HELL, and SAFE AND SOUND, also from St. Martin 's.

His article titled, "Marketing vs. Connecting" will be an eye-opener to any author (debut or seasoned) who wonders what is the best approach to his or her book promotions.

I don't want to give this great article away, but here's a teaser for you -- J. D.'s closing words:
Writers, let's kick around ideas about how we can get away from the idea of 'marketing' as it's been done, i.e., talking at readers, and instead, think of it as connecting with people. Readers, chime in. What do you want to say to writers you read (or in whom you're interested) about interaction? What do you want to see more of? What would you just as well do without?

Talk to me.

Let's not disappoint J. D. Please stop by MURDER BY 4 on Friday, July 25, with your questions and comments!

J. D. Rhoades was born and raised in North Carolina and has worked as a radio news reporter, club DJ, television cameraman, ad salesman, waiter, trial attorney, and newspaper columnist. His weekly column in the Southern Pines, North Carolina Pilot was named best column of the year in its division for 2005. He currently lives, writes, and practices law in the small town of Carthage, North Carolina.

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