Yesterday I made the trek across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge to the Eastern Shore of Maryland, a place that could culturally be another state or perhaps even another country. It's a place where people are gracious and open to strangers, and courteous to a fault. And a place where quiet is valued for its own intrinsic worth.

There I was welcomed by the members of the Eastern Shore Writers Association (ESWA) who listened to my talk on constructing a plot and asked lots of great questions. They also bought me the best Angus burger I've had in quite some time and took home quite a few of my books. It was an altogether rewarding way to spend the middle of a Saturday and I was home well ahead of dinner time.

Then today I had a very successful book signing at the Borders Express at Dulles Town Center. The heat outdoors must have driven a lot of people into the mall - good news for me!

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