It would seem that living downunder I am missing a lot of good reads, I have come across two books that our library does not have but they will have in the future if I have any say in it. I thought I might not fit in on this space because I am not a crime writer but I have found it does not matter because I can enjoy what other people have done and get a heads up on what is coming out. But I will have to contain my patience until the books arrive.

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Comment by Karen from AustCrime on April 1, 2007 at 4:53pm
It's an unbelievably frustrating problem isn't it Rhonda - Amazon and help but it's unbelievably expensive.

Which library network are you near (we might be able to undertake a pincer movement in requests :) ) Our local library is Belgrave - part of the Eastern Regional Libraries - and their crime selection is underwhelming at best.

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