This is hard for me because I'm so used to writing about writing on my own blog.

Do I dare write negative things about books I've read? What if I do and that person joins this group? He/she won't want to be my friend. Then what?

So does that mean I can only write positive things about books I've read? Maybe I should leave that subject alone.

How about movies? I'm not good at writing reviews. I can say I liked something or didn't but I'm not sure I can say why.

I think I'll wait and see what other people post. Yes, I'm a coward.

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Comment by Tribe on March 8, 2007 at 7:00am
I say write negative stuff about everybody.
Comment by Sandra Ruttan on March 8, 2007 at 5:33am
I'm with Christa. I think that there's also a big difference between saying, "This didn't work for me because of x, y, z... or I'm not even sure, just wasn't to my taste" and saying, "Anyone who likes this is an idiot." Honest opinions tempered with respect. And yeah, sometimes there'll be misunderstandings, but people will get over it, have a laugh and a drink and move on.
Comment by Christa M. Miller on March 8, 2007 at 2:33am
I think if you piss someone off by being honest - truly critical, with a balance between positive and negative - it's not worth being their "friend." They're still stuck in junior high and don't realize that opinions/reviews are subjective.

I mean, if you don't like something I write, yes it will sting... but if it got published, that means someone else does like it. And thinks their readers will like it, too.

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