Carl, Lillian Stewart - ASHES TO ASHES


Carl, Lillian Stewart – 1st mystery

Historian Rebecca Reid comes from Missouri to a replica of a Scottish castle located outside a small town in Ohio. She's cataloging a collection of historical artifacts, among them, supposedly, a scandalous letter written by Mary, Queen of Scots. But her co-worker, Scottish historian Michael Campbell, has his own plans. And the ghosts of the past, not to mention a very contemporary antagonist, want them both gone.

It is with thanks to the members of DorothyL I have been introduced to this wonderful author of gothics—a strong heroine, two attractive men; but which do you trust; ghosts, history and a mystery—all the elements which make these books so wonderful. My only complaint was the small size of the type font! I now have all the rest of her books on my shelf waiting to be read and will be first in line for her newest, “Lucifer’s Crown,” due in October.

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